Garmin 430W issues


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Oct 27, 2014
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My 430W popped up a error across the screen today while flying through rough turbulence, something about losing all GPS signal. Should've grabbed a pic, but was a little busy. The ABSB in from my GDL39 was still working, as it was still giving data to my tablet running Pilot.
I turned around and landed since I wasn't sure wtf was going on with the avionics, and saw this error on the 430 when turned it back on to see if I could reproduce the error.


Any idea what's going on? Has a GPS Integrity error and a TER TEST error? Not sure what that is. In the air, it lost all GPS signal. On the ground, it was able to pick up a couple of GPS satellites again. Guessing loose wire somewhere?
OK.. manual states : The INTEG annunciator indicates that satellite coverage is insufficient to pass built-in integrity monitoring tests.
I'll head back to the airport and leave it on longer, see if the error goes away.
Still am concerned about it popping up an error that covers the screen about signal integrity when I was flying.

Found the other error in the manual.. the 430W went into Dead Reckoning mode. I was using a flight plan when it lost all GPS signal.
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Where are you? Check notams. They’ve been testing gps jamming around New England
I did the 1800wxbrief check this morning, there were no GPS notams. Looking now again and I don't see any.
7B3, headed south only 15 miles or so before turning around
Can't comment on your specific issue but a lot of my Garmin stuff errors/fails when the airplane is powered on in the hangar. (No valid GPS position leads to transponder/ads-b fail messages and other things)

Your GPS/antenna may have failed or something else causing interreference if its constantly happening inflight.

Is there any possibility someone has stolen your unit and replaced with a different one? That could explain sudden configuration issues.
What's your arinc channel 1 coming from?

Press (and hold) your enter button when powering on your 430. That gets you into the setup menu. Don't change any settings or at least take pictures of the screens. What is the arinc channel 1 settings?

Could be a loose wire poor crimp... Could be interference. Have you added anything to your plane recently?
You're not that far away. Last I flew was last Monday. I found the notam in my briefing from then. It was effective from 3/24 to 3/27, not sure if they had any more. They aren't easy to find, but it was listed under enroute nav on my foreflight briefing. They weren't jamming when I flew.

That message is indicating that an external device is not providing data to your GNS430W. It is not a loss of GPS, but may be an input such as the barometric altitude. You need to find out what is attached to ARINC 429 and get that issue resolved.