Bo may no longer be the POA answer.


Final Approach
Apr 23, 2013
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Textron has confirmed it is not currently taking orders for new Beech Bonanzas but it won’t say why it has stopped or when it might resume accepting them

Looks like they only sold 5 Bonanzas last year. They may have decided such low sales don’t justify the line. Or, if 5 per year is the max capacity they’re tooled and staffed for, they might have excessive backlog, though that seems less likely.

Or maybe it’s both and they plan to close the line once they build out the backlog.

It’s a pretty old design and probably isn’t selling well against more modern designs.
Mostly symbolic. Those delivery numbers were largely ceremonial, just like the Arrow 'offering' right before the TAA killing it for good. Textron should have nixed their piston offerings a long time ago.
Just wait until Cessna finally kills the C172 when they can't charge $800K for one, lol.

The 182 will likely die before the 172 does. 141 fleet orders sustain the 172 line. Until a better mousetrap comes along, that is.
Well before Textron bought the model, they did 4 builds one year and 0 the next.
I thought I heard that the head of beech told the ABS that their order book was filled out to 2028.
Looks like they only sold 5 Bonanzas last year. They may have decided such low sales don’t justify the line. Or, if 5 per year is the max capacity they’re tooled and staffed for, they might have excessive backlog, though that seems less likely.

Or maybe it’s both and they plan to close the line once they build out the backlog.

It’s a pretty old design and probably isn’t selling well against more modern designs.
Going back further, only 3 in 2022
I thought I heard that the head of beech told the ABS that their order book was filled out to 2028.

That could be true, but if there are unobtanium parts needed to build, you can’t build what you don’t have.
Well, there's always Luke.
Based on what? Gov Agencies and Flight schools make up the bulk of their sales... and it's a lot of sales.
My apologies, meant the Beech piston side w/in Textron. I forgot they're a bigger hegemon than I remembered.