Recent content by Zborder

  1. Zborder

    "He was such a good pilot..."

    As pilots, we manage risk, we don’t eliminate it. Pilots who eliminate risk will be found on their sofa, not at the airport.
  2. Zborder

    PA32/34 Motorcycle Loading System

    Well, I wouldn’t personally buy cheap ones, but go nuts.
  3. Zborder

    PA32/34 Motorcycle Loading System

    IMHO, electric bikes, or motorcycles, made this obsolete. No way it would have been worthwhile hauling gas and oil around in the cabin.
  4. Zborder

    Why do they always call me Skyhawk?

    I checked in with a "Long-EZ Experimental" and was promptly deemed an "RV." I tried to correct him a couple times, but just got my clearance and landed. As I was rolling out, "NXX, what type IS that?" "Not an RV, sir!"
  5. Zborder

    Raptor NG

    As a derivative of that earth-magnet Raptor, I assume NG = Nose Gardener?
  6. Zborder

    Raptor Aircraft

    I guess if your definition of interesting is “pointless wastes of energy and resources to prove well-known principles” then sure, I’ll happily concede to missing that point. Next, do a mountain propelled by solid rocket boosters.
  7. Zborder

    Raptor Aircraft

    This is a simple math problem. The laws of thermodynamics care not a whit how “neat” or “clever” an idea seems to someone. A fool and his money...
  8. Zborder

    Raptor Aircraft

    I guess you missed the part where he has an imminent engine failure (and maybe a fire on the way due to a presumed oil leak) and he agrees to fly a full pattern. His landing on the runway was pure luck (and he won’t last if he keeps relying on it). That was garbage decision making and ****...
  9. Zborder

    "it rolled over chocks and became airborne"

    What are you talking about? Tools?
  10. Zborder

    "it rolled over chocks and became airborne"

    CPR doesn’t involve mouth-to-mouth, anymore.
  11. Zborder

    Fuel Cap...

    1) You’ll never do that again. I promise. 2) You now have an excellent interview answer when asked about a time you made a mistake, learned a lesson, etc.
  12. Zborder

    GNC 300XL adapter?

    Got it. Earlier attempt was 12V, 1.5A. No go. 12V, 2.5A did the job.
  13. Zborder

    GNC 300XL adapter?

  14. Zborder

    Citation V down in Oregon

    Guy couldn’t pass his type. Training facility/check pilot: “Sorry, but you’re dangerously unqualified to fly this jet. You may crash.” Guy: immediately crashes plane and dies. Internet: completely stumped
  15. Zborder

    GNC 300XL adapter?

    I just can’t figure out why the generic DC adapter I’ve tried won’t do the trick.