Recent content by traumamed

  1. T

    Treat oil leaks seriously

    Your point is well taken. This touches on the fiduciary duty, per se, of the skilled professional. One ultimately has to trust that the people hired to accomplish complex tasks know what they are doing. Still, blind faith in someone else's work is not a strategy. We sump our fuel everytime a...
  2. T

    Treat oil leaks seriously

    This thread started with an A&P fessing up to an instance of complacency, but there is an important second side to this story that hasn't been directly discussed - the pilots. They elected to take a plane up even after having suspicion of an issue. They did so because they thought, "ok, an A&P...
  3. T

    Final out on N928JP

    One can only hope...
  4. T

    Plane purchases, gifts, and the tax man

    Ahh, funding source and ownership intent. JimBob is using 100% his own funds for the purchase, but had intended to let Cleetus have full and free use of the plane bc Cleetus had extended him the same courtesy with his boat. JimBob realizes and accepts that by gifting the plane to Cleetus, he...
  5. T

    Plane purchases, gifts, and the tax man

    It's JimBob, get it right! :fingerwag: And you are correct, JimBob is an impatient man. He and Cleetus were excited about not having to drive 4+ hours to get to the plane for the next six months. Although not previously mentioned in this thread, the six month strategy is something JimBob and...
  6. T

    Plane purchases, gifts, and the tax man

    Florida used to have a gift tax a long time ago, but it was repealed sometime in the mid-aughts. There is no value-based taxation or registration fee on personal property in Florida, only real estate. Sales/use tax is a one-time deal, and based on actual transaction price only. A weird quirk...
  7. T

    Plane purchases, gifts, and the tax man

    First, I realize this is a question for a tax attorney if the rubber were really going to hit the runway on something like this. I'm not looking for legal advice. I just thought this might be a fun exercise to post up here to see if anyone else has ever thought of (or tried) this, or heard of...
  8. T

    Fear of paperwork

    Thanks, yeah I never believed in the thing about "those who have, and those who will" with retract pilots. I do now obviously lol, being a newly minted member of the former. It hadn't sunk in before that some gear-ups are legit mechanical failures and not just pilot error. All paperwork for me...
  9. T

    Fear of paperwork

    Resurrecting this thread to +1 this comment and add my data point. Unfortunately, I had to land with my nose gear retracted a couple nights ago. The mains extended normally, but the nose gear was jammed and all troubleshooting failed. I declared and proceeded to my home base, which happens to be...
  10. T

    Cessna 172 crash at zephyrhills 12/07/23

    The ASN narrative was updated. Dan Gryder did the updating on 12/11. I am definitely not a fan of his, but his facts are usually accurate. Someone else also updated the ASN report to reflect the CFI as [possibly] still alive. CFIs around my local hangar that keep up with the Tampa Bay Pilots...
  11. T

    Cessna 172 crash at zephyrhills 12/07/23

    It's probably not so much "right or wrong" as opposed to just one of those individual risk tolerance things. As is the case for most of us, I did seemingly countless touch-and-goes in my primary training and didn't think twice about it. It became more of a thing for me when I decided to pursue...
  12. T

    Cessna 172 crash at zephyrhills 12/07/23

    I was overflying the area around the time of the mishap. There was **a lot** of parachute jumping activity being announced for KZPH when I was on with Tampa Approach. Not to play Monday Morning QB, but I'm not so sure how great of an idea it was to take a student to an airport with a bunch of...
  13. T

    Richard McSpadden Crash

    This. It takes a high degree of fortitude to simply accept a loss that strikes close to home. It makes us face our own mortality. It forces us to acknowledge that we all have a lack of agency in the face of Lady Luck. We lost two good ones on Sunday. These two great pilots simply pulled the...
  14. T

    A&P hourly wage.

    I respectfully disagree, on multiple counts. 1. A lot of the wrenching people do on cars most certainly does have the same criticality as aircraft maintenance. Mess up your brake lines and you might be dead. Mess up your wheel hub, or even just your lug nuts, and you might be dead. Pretty...
  15. T

    A&P hourly wage.

    There are some professions where that is true. Mine, for example. If you have a serious illness, you need me way more than I need you. And when I say need, I mean it in the most existential way possible. But - I would be out of business if it weren't for my patients. It's a symbiotic...