Recent content by TailWheelChamp

  1. TailWheelChamp

    Trump's Plane Clips Another at Palm Beach

    And unpresidented!
  2. TailWheelChamp

    Supreme Court: Chevron Deference

    Yeah, and I definitely want to return to the days when the Cuyahoga River was on fire. Good times. SMFH.
  3. TailWheelChamp

    Wanted - Route 66 interesting places

    A resource for maps and attractions: a bit off of the route in the STL area but definitely worth the sidetrack:
  4. TailWheelChamp

    The Pilots of America Unofficial Hall of Fame, Troll Edition

    I ran across a post from about 5 or 6 years ago...a post by "Anymouse." Can it be topped? doubtful. Some guy by the name of "henning" who used to hang here and apparently had done everything a man could do. Here's a short list of his exploits... Hennings short list from 2005… Auto...
  5. TailWheelChamp

    Ram EZ-Roll'r Cradle

    Fits an iPad Air 2. If you can use it, PM your address and I'll send it to you gratis. I just bought a generation 9 and, of course, it's not the same size. I don't have the requisite number of posts to be able to post in the classifieds, hence why I posted this here. If not allowed, delete.
  6. TailWheelChamp

    Cont GO300 cylinders??

    Call Seth, if anyone can find them, he can!
  7. TailWheelChamp


    Great area!! Check out Pagosa Springs, Silverton and Lake Vallicito while you're in the area. All cool!
  8. TailWheelChamp

    How to solve the US pilot shortage

    Very late to this party, and didn't read all ten pages, so apologies if this has already been hashed and rehashed. I have three buddies in their early/mid 50s who were airplane pilots at two majors. All three were "bought out" and took early retirement a couple of years ago during the height of...
  9. TailWheelChamp

    A friend at work…

  10. TailWheelChamp

    Workout Music

    Curious, are you a condescending ass in person, or do you just play one behind the screen? Confusing classic, artistic, quality music with teeny bopper music, just because it's not head banging, is a common mistake amongst the musically immature, uneducated, and unsophisticated. (Yes, I can be...
  11. TailWheelChamp

    Culver Props - A cool story
  12. TailWheelChamp

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    I've noticed a few dog whistles here since joining. This appears to be just one more.
  13. TailWheelChamp

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    So my wife told me the other day that she read an article on how to tell if someone is a true alcoholic. One sign is it they never misplace their drink. I told her that I was definitely in the clear. I misplaced my beer twice last week. I am concerned about my memory though. You'd think it...
  14. TailWheelChamp

    Workout Music

    One I forgot and that is a lot of fun to work out to. (And was the "procession of the bride" as my lovely lady walked up the aisle...not kidding)