Recent content by Stevel

  1. Stevel

    Bryan gives shout-out to PoA on SMAC

    That would be Brian with a "Y", right?
  2. Stevel

    Does the signoff BASIC-MED physician have the authority to determine what medications are LEGAL to fly under?

    Hang on a minute guys. I gotta make some more popcorn.
  3. Stevel

    How can I delete my account

    I don't think you have posted enough information to identify yourself, so just stop posting under this account name.
  4. Stevel

    2nd Class Medical, 2nd Deferment - Alcohol Related

    I don't see any hint of an omission. I read it as the FAA already having that information.
  5. Stevel

    Dumb student pilot question Rudder related

    A couple of SLSA planes that I have flown (same model) would return to near center but not all the way. Most pilots of that model reported that theirs did not exhibit that problem. I suspect that there may have been something out of adjustment.
  6. Stevel

    Changes Since Your Initial Training (Get Off My Lawn edition)

    My girth, heft, and curmudgeonly disposition. (2008-present)
  7. Stevel

    Kit storage time

    I bought a 20 YO Challenger II kit that had very little work done on it. If you account for general inflation in the economy, or compare to the current price for one from the factory, I paid pennies on the dollar. I am the third owner of that kit and know a little bit about both that came...
  8. Stevel

    Kit storage time

    There is also the issue of expensive cutting-edge tech becoming the inexpensive old stuff on your dime.
  9. Stevel

    MOSAIC rule to be published on 7/24

    I get that. As long as you intend to elaborate when you get the opportunity, I don't see that I have any reason to worry about it right now.
  10. Stevel

    MOSAIC rule to be published on 7/24

    Ryan, APOLOGIES FOR WHAT I POSTED. I TRIED TO START A PM CONVERSATION, BUT INITIATED CHAT INSTEAD. Please clarify what you meant, whether it is for the first time, or a duplicate.
  11. Stevel

    Take Action! MOSAIC comment period.

    I resemble those remarks.
  12. Stevel

    Take Action! MOSAIC comment period.

    I was just confused about why you would quote my post to say something about changing Basic Med, as it was not part of that discussion.
  13. Stevel

    Take Action! MOSAIC comment period.

    These back and forth posts came from the night flying part seeming to require Basic Med in the language of the section, but the discussion part of the document about that subject seeming to point to granting the ability to earn that privilege to SP in general. Basic Med comes up a lot in the...
  14. Stevel

    Take Action! MOSAIC comment period.

    What I am seeing is a discussion that says they are going to do one thing and the proposed addition doing something else. I am specifically referring to the language about conflicts in each.
  15. Stevel

    Take Action! MOSAIC comment period.

    Thank you. That changes things. The problem is that the language here didn't make it into the proposed 61.329. Now I'm thinking that this is just a proofreading failure and should be resolved quickly in the comments process.