Recent content by Sociald

  1. S

    Paper Logbook Recommendations

    Just something satisfying about filling up another logbook.
  2. S

    Paper Logbook Recommendations

    I'm kinda a geek with my logbooks, so I have 3 different logbooks going right now...4 if you count my small logbook that is just used to transfer into my master book. I keep my GA flying separate because I only update my airline logbook every 3 or 4 months and my OCD hates the dates being out of...
  3. S

    Airlines and GA

    Training/Recurrent, Currency/Consistent flying and SOPs. All of these are huge! Between the Airline, Guard and GA, I fly somewhere between 600 and 800 hours a year. Even with all that flying, if I go more than a couple weeks without flying, I feel rusty. I can't even imagine going months...
  4. S

    How difficult/competitive is it to get a fighter slot in the Marine corps?

    Pilot spot in the Marines? Last I heard is that if you eat less than 2 crayons they'll let you be a fighter guy. Eating more than 2 crayons means you're stuck in helos.
  5. S

    How hard is it to get picked up as a fighter pilot in the air national guard?

    Dress metro and wear plenty of hair gel... I've sat on our (ANG F-16) interview boards for the last 5 or 6 years. I'm not sure how other squadrons view it, but we only require you to have soloed. After that, we don't really care much about hours as hours can be an asset or a hinderance. I...
  6. S

    Roy Halladay's Icon A5 down off of Tampa Coast

    This! They touch on this in the Netflix series about Aaron Hernandez.
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    Online A&P course

    Yup, based on my conversation with the ASI, I meet the mins for both A and P. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the FSDO after all this mess is over. Pretty much echos what I had heard elsewhere. When the virus is over I plan to start volunteering at a local air museum and start helping a guy...
  8. S

    Online A&P course

    Gents, I'm looking at getting my A&P. Don't really plan to use it for employment, but more for my own plane ownership and/or restoration type stuff. My time in the AF (as an APG/Crew Chief) is enough for me to try to convince an FAA guy to give me signoffs to go to a place like Bakers and get...
  9. S

    P-51 engine out, off field landing pilot discusses

    Great debrief. Dude had lots going on in a short amount time.
  10. S

    Covid 19 What is FAA take on maintaining currency?

    So new relief yet on CFI renewal? I usually just swing by the FSDO on my way from one of my airline trips. Now that my plane isn't really flying and the FSDOs are pretty much closed, that's not really an option. Don't mind paying $26 to American Flyers to process it for me, just wondering if...
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    Airline/Professional Pilot Interview & driving record

    I had two speeding tickets within the two years (none before) leading up to being interviewed/hired by two Legacies. It was never brought up in one of the interviews, the other just asked if there were any more to list. I couldn't remember all the info on one of them so I just listed the year...
  12. S

    Animals on airlines clampdown

    Jokes aside....I hope we never allow phone conversations during the flight. It's bad enough that we have to listen to LOUD phone conversations while in the terminal. Thankfully, our current CEO is fully onboard with never allowing it...let's hope the rest of the airlines hold he line on that...
  13. S

    Animals on airlines clampdown

    Sure they do, we've even taken some seats back out to give more space. The real issue is most people are just unwilling to pay the price for comfort they want.
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    Animals on airlines clampdown

    I see abuse of this crap all the time and sure hope this gets passed. My favorite was the guy who got off the plane with two, yes two pitbulls that he could barely control. I'm certain he couldn't go on without his dogs... :rolleyes: I have nothing wrong with service animals, but these...
  15. S

    Lax jet dumps fuel on school.

    Absolutely, and they have/will. I just don't agree with our sue happy society. Think of how much money we spend because of the fear/threat of lawsuits. People will sue over the anything because they know most companies will settle out of court because it's just cheaper. The people will get a...