Recent content by SkyCat

  1. SkyCat

    Want To Buy Sporty's T.O.P. Takeoff Performance slide rule

    I, too, collect mechanical flight computers. Wondering if you can offer any sourcing help. I’m hunting for this nifty Cessna 172 wiz wheel that was marketed in the mid-90s by a now-defunct company called Cavok Int’l. They’re similar to the plastic, overlapping wheel performance calculators still...
  2. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

  3. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

    You describe it PERFECTLY! It’s like getting to the airport and launched is the real stress zone for me. So much preflight and checklist tedium, and then we line up, the throttle goes in, and *poof!* the focus and fun (a modicum of it anyway..) commences! I think I just really needed to reach...
  4. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

    Thank you for the encouragement! I think the “pleasing” part does play into it as I’ve seen this in myself in other settings. Interesting observation. That’s one thing I love about aviation: it plays to almost everyone’s “superpower” in one way or another. I’m finding the trick is to set aside...
  5. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

    Great reminder! I do indeed have my Instrument and remember how I felt then, too, but for different reasons. Then, it was mainly the intensity of the training in a brutal desert heat while gnashing my teeth at the #%^*! PCATD between lessons. That’s one way to look at it..
  6. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

    Guilty of not taking care of myself better, for sure! And I agree on the point you make about the interconnectedness of health and stress management, especially when it comes to endeavors like this one! Thank you for your feedback. Glad I’m not alone in the not enjoying the training section...
  7. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

    This idea really hit the mark as I read it. I DO remember a time when saddling-up in my trusty rental Skyhawk and feeling the satisfaction of a well-planned and executed xc to see the girlfriend, or introduce a friend to GA over a burger was when I felt like I had “it”. Might just have to take...
  8. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

    It’s so crazy. I love learning, I’m an okay pilot (I think), I’ve had really good CFIs throughout my different certificates so far, but darn if training doesn’t stress me out now. Maybe it’s that I’m older and I fear not learning as quickly from my Millennial CFI, or that she’ll get frustrated...
  9. SkyCat

    Crippling training anxiety

    Hi all, I have a weird one. Has anyone else suffered terrible nerves and anxiety leading-up to your training flights? I feel like every lesson is it’s own checkride for how anxious I get! I’m working on my Commercial Single after many stops and starts over the past decade, and don’t EVER...