Recent content by MooneyTraveler

  1. MooneyTraveler

    ATC VFR Question

    I just called The ATC folks at one of the TRSA’s to pose this question to them. They said—— All VFR departures are assigned at or below 4,000 in the initial clearance. (I knew this) They said when i am turned over to departure i should be told,”Proceed on course, climb to requested VFR...
  2. MooneyTraveler

    ATC VFR Question

    Two recent VFR flights in two different TRSA’s. I gave Ground/Clearance the usual information including Cruise altitude 5,500. My destination was just outside the TRSA so I was not going to be handed off to another facility. ATC read back included the usual instructions along with “remain at or...
  3. MooneyTraveler

    Kathryn's Report?

    Through the years I have had this same thing happen once in a while. Previously it typically corrected itself quicker than this. I have been trying for several days to get on with no joy.
  4. MooneyTraveler

    Anyone been to Deland for food?

    As one of "The Meat Bombs" (4,000+jumps) we love having the whuffos eat, drink and enjoy the atmosphere as we land!
  5. MooneyTraveler

    Climbing at the Gunks?

    I am a regular jumper (4,000+ jumps) at The Ranch in Gardiner. Also a Gunks climber. It is great to land there and head for The Gunks. Yes, give Gardiner a wide berth if you are unfamiliar with operating in a DZ environment. If you call ahead and understand jump ops it is a great location...
  6. MooneyTraveler

    Mt. Washington in August

    While at Bar Harbor fly over to 93B Stonington on Deer Isle if you get a chance. I took my Mooney into there last week. There is a campground within walking distance of the tie down area. I spent the night and had a ball. Some restaurants will pick you up if you arrange ahead of time. The...
  7. MooneyTraveler

    Narrowest runway you'd be willing to land on?

    I have regularly taken my Mooney into WV32, that runway is 24 feet wide. Also have landed the Mooney a half dozen times at WV59. It is 20 feet wide.