Recent content by Mooneymayhem

  1. M

    What kept you going through training?

    OP here. I want to thank you ALL for taking the time to respond. You've helped me get some clarification on my training and more importantly, my mindset towards it. Over time, I realized that the unrealistic expectations I placed on myself have (predictably) led to disappointment and...
  2. M

    What kept you going through training?

    I hated soloing simply because I wasn't confident in my abilities. I wasn't scared during the flight, as I just kept telling myself to stick with my training and was honestly, too busy to be frightened. Afterwards, I chalked my survival up to dumb luck that nothing bad happened. As for why I'm...
  3. M

    What kept you going through training?

    I hated my solo experiences simply because I felt more lucky than good and luck eventually, runs out.
  4. M

    What kept you going through training?

    I grew up flying with relatives who are no longer here. Most of my first year was consumed by the medical process and I flew sparingly during that time. The motivation exists, I love the idea of flying but my confidence is shot. I'll do well for a few lessons and then out of nowhere, make a...
  5. M

    What kept you going through training?

    Hey fellow students, For 2 years..I've been through 4 CFIs, a lengthy/expensive S.I. medical process, and countless cancelations due to all the usual reasons. I've soloed twice and hated it, now I'm prepping for my cross country training and I'm just not enjoying this anymore. I don't want to...
  6. M

    Furniture help request

    Unless I misunderstood OPs post, that would be a bit overkill for a piece of shop furniture..
  7. M

    Furniture help request

    Find a good metal fabrication shop in your area that will do exactly what you want.
  8. M

    HIMS AME told me to not report

    OP, It doesn't matter what you or your AME thinks, if you were diagnosed with a condition, it's right there in your history and ACCORDING TO THE FAA, YOU HAVE THAT CONDITION. Trust me, I have a friend who did the same thing you're thinking about doing, basically pencil whipped his Med...
  9. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Congrats Ahmad. I did my first solo flight back around Thanksgiving and did well. Standard 3 laps around the pattern, my first attempt didn't look or feel right so I decided to go around, I followed that with 2 of the smoothest landings I've had up to that point. I was excited after it was over...
  10. M

    Cogscreen - If all pilots had to take it, how many would pass?

    I used Lumosity and Elevate. While games and apps haven't been PROVEN to improve cognitive ability, I guarantee the familiarity and the confidence that goes along with it, does help. Several times during the test, I remember thinking, "oh, this is just like the race car/train/seashell/etc...
  11. M

    Flying through area 51

    He was flying a Mooney, he simply outran the intercept
  12. M

    Want To Buy Sentry

    Found one. Mods, please do your thing
  13. M

    Redundant "traffic" and other annoyances . . .

    I think it's worth mentioning that Leroy's actions got all his teammates killed in the process, as well.