Recent content by mike1980

  1. M

    2 Questions on approaches

    Eman1200 wins.
  2. M

    Thinking about a Bus/RV

    Nevada is missing too. Washington is listed twice. I'm not looking up the Nevada RV laws. When living there, we just did whatever we wanted anyway.
  3. M

    Rocket Man

    Unfortunately Rocket Man died today near Barstow, CA in another attempt with his rocket.
  4. M

    Withholding aircraft after maintenance

    Is the dispute only over money? The OP indicated the work was to be done in 2 months and is going on 6 months now (post 8). So it's not complete. I don't know, maybe a little more to the story.
  5. M

    Sold Going out of business

    Do you happen to have a DG or altimeter? Just for decoration. Non working is fine.
  6. M

    Where and how much you paid for PPL

    $700 - Reno
  7. M

    What type of plane is this?

    Not certain, but I think it's an AOA...Aircraft Operating Above. Now if this AOA doesn't have An Operable Approved AOA, it could crash. So, if you see it again, be very careful (assuming of course it hasn't crashed already).
  8. M

    Cracked ribs and flying?

    By 5 years.....