Recent content by Len Lanetti

  1. Len Lanetti

    Collection of handy aviation documents

    What! I go away for a few years and my files get deleted. Shoot. I guess I'll have to find what old computer they are stored on an reload them. Len
  2. Len Lanetti

    New Earhart hunt

    I didn't know she had children!
  3. Len Lanetti

    The Guy Code

    You know what Neil Armstrong used to only have so many heartbeats so why waste them on exercise. BTW...if you want to talk to girls why wouldn't you go to a flower show, an art exhibit or one of those exercise classes where you lay down on a mat. You know what is really funny about...
  4. Len Lanetti

    Other than Snoopy...?

    Trixie...Speed Racer's girlfriend flew a helicopter. Hayata from the Space Patrol in Ultra Man...which is based on a Japanese comic which is close to a carton. Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon Sulu...Star Trek TOS was made into a carton.
  5. Len Lanetti

    Trivia Rant Thread

    Attorney Generals...when, of course, we all know it should be Attorneys General. Len
  6. Len Lanetti

    Trivia Rant Thread

    Pet peeve; flammable is not a word. Inflammable is the correct word. Source Strunk and White's "Elements of Style".
  7. Len Lanetti

    9mm handgun

    Sorry...maybe I had my J names mixed up maybe I meant Jason. Len
  8. Len Lanetti

    9mm handgun

    Anthony, I'm good. Family is good. I've been busy. I see Jesse is still alive. That's a surprise. :<) Len
  9. Len Lanetti

    9mm handgun

    Ken, Ruger SR9 is nice, feeds anything, inexpensive, more accurate than I am and the trigger on the newest ones is better than the ones from a few years ago. Len
  10. Len Lanetti

    Snappy new camera

    Harley, Yep. At the time I bought the FM (late '79 or early '80) money was tight. I didn't have a great job (actually two not so well paying jobs) and was learning to fly at the same time. I purposly bought the Nikon lenses to go with the FM. The camera was worth more than the car I was...
  11. Len Lanetti

    Snappy new camera

    We have a nice, though now a few years old and certainly behind the times, Sony pocket size digital camera. It takes fair snapshots. For vacation this year I realized at the last minute I left the battery charger and the cable that connects the camera to my laptop at the office. As we...
  12. Len Lanetti

    Time Again to Play "Tell Ben What to Do!"

    Take the to other airports in the area...look at posted ads of airplanes for sale or the actual airplanes with for sale signs on them at each airport...take a good instrument rated safty pilot and fly using a view limiting each airport shoot a practice approach. Len
  13. Len Lanetti

    Goodbye, T-3

    To be fair...Mooney stated that the M20 airframe would have required serious and expensive re tooling to accomodate the negative g requirements. That said, it was a very cool looking airplane. I never understood why they couldn't identify the problem and just fix it. Len
  14. Len Lanetti

    Some airlines ban Dell and Apple laptops due to fire risk

    I've not done a lot of research on this but from what I've read and heard...the division of Sony that makes those batteries is very profitable. They make the batteries for lots of varied devices including many brands of laptop computers, hand held electronic devices, cameras, etc. The part I'm...
  15. Len Lanetti

    Explaining stalls & slow flight to student

    For PA28s, the Cherokee Six, Lance, Saratoga and Seneca it is a lever, often called a Johnson bar, about two feet long on the floor between the front pull the lever up to make the flaps go down...unless, of course, you are which case you probably don't have to worry...