Recent content by John Wayne Jones

  1. J

    Howdy, y'all

    I understand. For people who didn't grow up with a couple of airplanes in their front yard and their own fuel farm, it DOES seem extreme, I grant you. But you have to understand, from age 9, I hopped in a Champ every time you hopped on a bicycle. My father was a CFI, so he would log any flight...
  2. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Tha Thanks- the F-5 was always my favorite jet, as a kid. The T-38/F-5/F-20 family line is convoluted, it's hard to really call which is the chicken and which is the egg, although I suppose everything began more or less with N-156, a prototype Northrop design from the 50's. I enjoyed the T-38...
  3. J

    Howdy, y'all

    I completely understand not taking newcomers at face value, I don't do that in real life, much less on the internet. But you guys- most of you- went much further than that. I think maybe everyone needs to reevaluate their responses to new folks. First, pilots are ********ters- especially young...
  4. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Thank you, but after 30 years or so, it is what it is. Luckily, it isn't much more than a horrific scar- no muscle involvement. I broke all of the ribs on my left side and ripped off my left patella during the ejection sequence, as well as severe damage to the skin on my shoulders and a broken...
  5. J

    Howdy, y'all

    I wasn't really around, but my folks insist he was a bit player in westerns at that time and he had no bearing on my name. All of my siblings have the same first initial and one of two middle initials...wayne was the last W they could think of, they claimed :)
  6. J

    Howdy, y'all

    OK, since this seems to be something more than simply doubting newcomers- there is a rabid element here that is the primary reason I left Quora even though I was one of the most popular writers. I am going to explain myself, and if this isn't enough for you, I will move on, probably to something...
  7. J

    Howdy, y'all

    That is correct, thank you for bringing that up. We were flying a test card in an F-5F, I did not "kill" him, which was my objection.
  8. J

    Howdy, y'all

    All of my planes have been registered to one of my corporations, and I am going to have to think a bit before posting that data online...I am very careful about making connections between my name and the corporations- which is the reason they exist in the first place. One of my old businesses...
  9. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Yes, this question was submitted by a guy who I ****ed off. Did you read all of the answers submitted below it, or are you just going for shock value?
  10. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Born in the 30's? Good lord, how old do you think I am? :) I don't post my actual birthdate online, as it is used too often for establishing identity, but I was born in the late 50's. LATE 50's.
  11. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Oh good lord, I wish they were still in print! I wrote - with a co-author- several books about aviation. One could probably be called a textbook, the rest were considered guides. How-to books for establishing a career, for getting financial assistance for flying, one on weather (the textbook-ish...
  12. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Yes, I was on Quora! That is actually my only other forum experience. You are essentially correct,other than I didn't build all of those aircraft, I helped to build those aircraft. The Longeze and Velocity were my builds, with a partner, the rest were friends' builds that I assisted on- it was...
  13. J

    Howdy, y'all

    I've been reading back over my post, and I have to ask a question, if you don't mind. I grew up in aviation and served the minimum time allowable in the Air Force (for a pilot) after which I went the the 'lines. Other than the bit of bush flying I did, this is exactly the same story that a...
  14. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Thanks, I appreciate the support, but I don't mind. It felt unreal while I was living it, I can't expect people to just take my word for it on an internet forum, where the truth is a rare visitor. I stand ready to answer questions, provided they do not violate personal privacy issues!
  15. J

    Howdy, y'all

    Sorry, I can prove beyond a doubt that it is NOT see, I have had several works of non-fiction published, but despite several submissions, my editor tells me that I cannot write fiction! So...there you have it. Obviously.