Recent content by Joey4420

  1. Joey4420

    Ercoupe forum

    I own and Ercoupe and I am a member of the Ercoupe Owners Club at $40 well worth it, I reopened my facebook after 8 years away to join the Ercoupe group there and I am on the Ercoupe Yahoo groups. They are all active in there own way. The plus of the EOC (Ercoupe Owners Club) is you get a list...
  2. Joey4420

    About That Sport Pilot Thing: The State Of Stuff

    I am a Sport Pilot and my plan at this time is to stay as a SP. It meets my mission of fun flying to airports within 3 hours of KHAO (Butler County airport in Ohio). I have flown farther on several occasions, even flew to OshKosh this last year in my Ercoupe, 6 hours of flying and talked to no...
  3. Joey4420

    Pre buy piper or Mooney in sw Ohio.

    There is a A&P IA at Butler County Airport (Hamilton Ohio, just north of Cincinnati) that might be able to help out. I can ask if he is interested, I know he has worked on both types of aircraft.
  4. Joey4420

    Thinking About a Welding Helmet

    I bought this for my son when he went to Hobart welding school almost 2 years ago. He still uses it everyday and says it works amazing, he is now a full time welder and uses it for hours everyday.
  5. Joey4420

    ADSB Anonymous Mode

    Pin 5 needs to be grounded or put to a on/off switch to ground (per the install manual). If it doesn't work you may need to have your transponder checked.
  6. Joey4420

    Wanted: Aircraft Ercoupe Wanted

    I would recommend joining the Ercoupe Owners Club, or even their facebook page, lots of Ercoupes for sale out there. Some in the process of a complete rebuild which would mean you get to pick and choose what you want.
  7. Joey4420

    ADSB Anonymous Mode

    Did you wire it correctly to allow for anonymous mode? IIRC you have an extra ground wire that needs to be in place.
  8. Joey4420

    Will ADS-B Out Send Data When No ATC Radar Reaches The Plane

    Unless I am mistaken ADS-B out transmits a minimum of 1 time every second regardless of it seeing a tower or getting a request from radar.
  9. Joey4420

    Ercoupe in crosswind

    You steer with nose wheel steering via the yoke, but everything (okay elevator is not) is interconnected (unless you have one with rudder pedals). So you steer on the ground with the yoke and the ailerons and rudder move as well.
  10. Joey4420

    Ercoupe for training

    I was told per the listed in #4 that if you take your test with the DPE in and Ercoupe you will be limited to an Ercoupe or similar i.e. two control aircraft, unless you get one with rudder pedals. I waited until I got my SP before buying my Ercoupe.
  11. Joey4420

    Ercoupe in crosswind

    Pretty sure the Ercoupe has a 25 knot crosswind component without pedals. With IIRC it is only 15.
  12. Joey4420

    Tailwheel endorsement, typical time

    @Juliet Hotel I would agree with you and I like the way you put it. I am just stating that at least in my case; 140 hours without rudder pedals it would take me even longer to get use to things. I steer on the ground with the yoke and in the air, basically drive it like a car.
  13. Joey4420

    Tailwheel endorsement, typical time

    I fly and Ercoupe without rudder pedals and have around 140 hours just flying this aircraft. I keep thinking of getting my Tailwheel endorsement for fun and so I might get a second aircraft. So to the original poster I would say what is the plane they have been flying. For me I am betting it...
  14. Joey4420

    Windows 7 password recovery - possible?

    @Daomer with every option they can find. I personally carry either a USB drive with some software on it that will allow me access or I do still have an old copy of software that should work on a CD that will just show me the password with the user name. Not that I am Dishonest... just help out...
  15. Joey4420

    Sold 1946 Luscombe 8a LSA

    I so need to sell a couple vehicles so I have extra play money to buy this or similar. It would look great next to my Ercoupe.