Recent content by gregjay

  1. G


    Have two houses in Kansas that were both tested and required systems installed at the sellers expanse. Coming from California, I had never heard of Radon, except bad memories of chemistry classes. As I recall, the systems were not that costly.
  2. G

    For Sale [NA] MGTD project near Knoxville, TN

    Very cool, I have a kit version in my garage.
  3. G

    Air-to-Air Piper PA-28RT Turbo Arrow

    That shot over the water is unbelievably beautiful.
  4. G

    This flying seems awfully expensive...

    In high school my daughter played polo. In addition to our two horses, we would occasionally need to rent horses for a tournament. $150 to $250 per chukker, 7.5 minutes. when she went off to college we sold the horses and I could suddenly afford to start flying again regularly.
  5. G

    2024 Goals

    1 - Survive my first annual. Just spoke with my mechanic and it may be possible. 2 - Fly more hours then the last 12 years combined. Won't be very hard. 3 - Start my IR.
  6. G

    The end of Reno

    Speaking of Salina, don't forget The Garage auto museum and Leadsled in July. Old cars go good with old planes.
  7. G

    Christmas Toys You Wish You Still Had

    Mattel Dareplane