Recent content by Flapsonfire

  1. F

    CAPS saves a family

    Update on the gal who's land happened to be where this plane 'landed' said the plane was hanging in the trees and they were yelling up to them to not move 'cause it was in a precarious position hanging on a branch. Instead the pilot moved to the back to get his phone and it fell to the...
  2. F

    CAPS saves a family

    Of course the comments are always all over the place on something like this, kinda cracks me up. The author and owner of the blog is my neighbor (it wasn't me she interviewed, not that I'm an expert on the SR22) but I think she does a pretty darn good job on these kinds of stories.
  3. F

    CAPS saves a family happened yesterday in a very rugged area of Northern Mendocino County. I'm on the local tech rescue team and the original dispatch said 'airplane crash with explosion'. That caused a major response...
  4. F

    Plane in the water at Shelter Cove

    I'm pretty sure that's not what happened. I think it was a man and a woman and the woman swam to shore and was hypothermic and put on a stokes and hauled off the beach to the airport where they were both eventually airlifted to the hospital in Eureka. I think the man was rescued from the water...
  5. F

    Plane in the water at Shelter Cove

    I don't post here much but I thought y'all might like to see this. Both pilot and passenger were rescued by the very capable Shelter Cove Fire Dept. This is very deep, cold water here...the plane will never be seen again. There's also a DC-3 down there as well from a '60s incident. I fly here...