diabolical's latest activity

  • diabolical
    https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/03/21/three-people-escape-serious-injury-after-hotair-balloon-crash-in-rochester This is about as...
  • diabolical
    diabolical reacted to Ed Haywood's post in the thread RSV vaccine with Like Like.
    RSV is extremely contagious, to the point where almost all children have had it multiple times by the time they are a few years old. It...
  • diabolical
    diabolical reacted to Chip Sylverne's post in the thread RSV vaccine with Like Like.
    You mean like yourself. Colloquial does not mean acceptable, for instance, saying " you lie like a dirty rug" is colloquial, but not...
  • diabolical
    diabolical reacted to weilke's post in the thread RSV vaccine with Like Like.
    TLDR on the covid detour As an asthmatic, you don't want RSV. This used to be a virus that was only a threat to young kids who had...