Recent content by chemgeek

  1. chemgeek

    Garmin 430. Reckon how long to live?

    Basically, if the display goes now, you are done. But otherwise Garmin is committed to supporting database updates for the foreseeable future, as long as there are operable units out there. Garmin estimates that only 1% of the remaining users are expected to have display failures. If my 430W...
  2. chemgeek

    Back up GPS or 2nd Nav?

    In 30ish years of post-GPS flying, I've had a bucketload of VOR/LOC/ILS failures, and only one (partial) panel GPS/NAV/COM failure. And I carry a second (bracket mounted portable GPS), third (EFB GPS map), and fourth (phone) emergency GPS units, so a second panel mount GPS seems redundant. I...
  3. chemgeek

    Plane purchase 1st time

    Engine replacement should be in the logs somewhere. Might be in a new book, but it should be noted as newly installed and with what new or reused accessories.
  4. chemgeek

    Fouled Plug - What?

    Your engine is speaking to you. This sounds like classic oil fouling, and you can easily confirm by pulling plugs to find the offender. If you have one or more wet plugs (usually a bottom plug) the mostly likely cause is progressive failure of oil control rings. At some point the only way to fix...
  5. chemgeek

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    You will learn after the first dozen IFR trips not to put your full route into the GPS, only the initial fix and maybe one beyond that, because it is likely going to change anyway. There is plenty of time once your make the initial climb to cruise altitude to enter your updated clearance into...
  6. chemgeek

    Plane purchase 1st time

    I bought my 2 planes a while ago, but my procedure was: 1. Contact the seller and arrange a time to see the airplane in person. (My search was regional, withing driving or personal flying distance) 2. During the in-person visit, inspect the log books and ensure there are no red flags (prop or...
  7. chemgeek

    Questions on Clearance delivery with a phone number

    As others have pointed out, the phone number is for contacting ATC when departing IFR and needing a void time, and for closing your IFR flight plan on the ground after arrival. This is SOP at my airport, which is in the middle of rural Central New York. The only way to depart IFR when conditions...
  8. chemgeek

    Turn-Around Time for Garmin Transponder Repair

    $450 for both the mechanical altimeter and G5s + NGT9000 transponder. Mine's due again this fall. :(
  9. chemgeek

    GPS approach downgrade

    No. But a vertical guidance board failure will have the same symptoms. LPVs will automatically downgrade to LNAV without any other clues as to why.
  10. chemgeek

    Low-cost, portable CO detector?

    I suspect the replaceable part is the amperometric detector. The detector will eventually run out of electrolyte and the device needs to be discarded or the detector replaced.
  11. chemgeek

    What are currently the best EFBs for Android?

    The choices one makes for aviation or other software often revolves not around what is objectively or subjectively "best", but rather what makes sense for interoperability with other aspects of one's software life. For those, like me, who are tied into the Google ecosystem for work or for other...
  12. chemgeek

    GPS approach downgrade

    Most likely a side effect of the current G5 geomagnetic storm, but if it persists, it is possible that the vertical guidance board has failed. This happened to my 430W and it took a while for me to realize it was not environmental factors, but the unit itself that had partially failed. (It would...
  13. chemgeek

    What are currently the best EFBs for Android?

    I've had a variety of Android tablets for EFB use, and they are usually much less expensive than iPads, almost all come with integrated GPS standard, and for those who are already in the Google ecosystem by choice or because of employment (Google Workspace), an Android (Google-based) solution...
  14. chemgeek

    GPS Direct to fix, homing vs track

    In a low traffic environment, it may not matter if you are 20 degrees off-course for traffic separation on a direct-to clearance. I'm sure ATC doesn't plot a course line after your direct-to clearance, but ATC does know where you are heading. If you are 20 degrees off course, eventually ATC...
  15. chemgeek

    Self-adhering sun shades

    I used a couple of these in my AA-1A, which has an easy-bake canopy for summer flying. They work great and are easy to reposition.