Greyhound bus used to offer package express that lots of guys used to rely on for odd bulky items and at a great rate. The car guys would ship bumpers with them googling says it got discontinued in 2022.
you might try Uship or one of the similar sites.
Currently driving a 2014 silverado I bought new. Starting to think about replacement and I have been eyeing the Tundra. I'm interested to here your feedback. I have heard frustrations with the mpg and the fuel tank size. That's about it so far for issues after they got past the first hiccup on a...
From my experience watching them land at Oshkosh... They are hauling! Every time I've watched them I remark that the landing looks frightening and FAST. It could just be perception though compared to the other craft on the ultralight strip.
I know a CFI that was flying with another student that opened the door on a long final and demonstrated that you can yaw a Cessna with the door. He was crazy but spent his life crop dusting. He was exactly who I wanted to teach me "stay alive" flying. I went elsewhere for the "by the book" stuff.
I've been dabbling with it. I used it to scrub the internet to find some vacation destinations on a trip I have coming up. I don't take it as gospel but it is a good starting point.
For work right now I am writing a ton of new SOP's and procedures. It sometimes gives me a good starting point...
Considering you can actually see through the goggles it would be no different than looking at an Ipad. An argument could be made that its safer. I haven't worn one in person just watched the promo video. I'm not defending it but I believe foreflight already released an app to work with them.
There are parts of the country that would call 32 quite comfortable. Spend some time at zero and you look at cold in a whole different light. Parts of Montana in the winter would call zero a heat wave.....
They just moved a MASSIVE hangar @ KDSM this year or last. All in one piece. These smaller hangars should be able to be braced internally and jacked up. Set it on a flatbed and roll across the airport. Have you tried contacting the manufacture of the building? Probably not the first time this...
I've started playing around with GMRS out in Utah. My intention is the fact that I regularly leave cell coverage camping and hunting. Baefang GMRS radios are inexpensive and work well. UV-5G is the easiest and cheapest option for you.
Sorry! But I went full paint matched fiberglass topper a bit ago. It works better for the bird dog in his kennel. It is a bigger PITA to take off to put the pickup camper in though...