Recent content by 1RTK1

  1. 1RTK1

    The death of an insitution

    If that's the requirements they don't want me
  2. 1RTK1

    The death of an insitution

    Can boys join Girl Scout.?
  3. 1RTK1

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Remember the weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. That means they were blown of course, no telling where they would end up.
  4. 1RTK1

    My Glider Club Impressions...

    Some people are just Richard's by nature, ignore him. By the way does he own a glider? Is it a nice one?
  5. 1RTK1

    Another hard day cleaning "my" B17

    How would one go about being a volunteer? I live a few miles away and go there at least once a year.
  6. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    WOW, what has Nancy been smoking. My flight instructor worked for a major electric utility in our area. All he did was buy and sell, mainly buy electricity from other sources during the day to keep our grid up and running.
  7. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    How long would it power your house for? If you drain the battery in the car then you better have another vehicle or you are stuck.
  8. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    I bought her the mustang right before covid hit. It was for her she liked the color "but" also for me,LOL. It is a pp2 that has the track package not very practical to putt around town with 11" michellin cup2's all around. My plan was to get back to the track after many many years of absence.
  9. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    I wasn't referring to you Larry in my last statement. It's funny how some push so hard the virtues for EV's to the exclusion of all else. My wife should have an EV it would be the better choice, she usually just putts around town, she likes her mustang though.
  10. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    You sure like beating that dead horse. There are no facts against me. EV’s don’t work for me or in every situation. Why do you have such angst for that statement?
  11. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    And then there are some people that are just Richard's:)
  12. 1RTK1

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    In the old days we had a siren that went off and that alerted all the volunteers to go to the fire station. Now it just goes off at noon, you should see the people look around that are not from this town. They think its an air raid siren.
  13. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Nah, it's more like an exclamation point.
  14. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    I take it you are not a famer.... A EV pickup or tractor does not have the battery capacity to last long enough to do the work demanded of it, PERIOD. There is one prototype tractor that I have seen. It will only run for a couple of hours before a recharge which is quite lengthy. My 700 mile...
  15. 1RTK1

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Still stand by my comment that they currently can not and are not used in farming. On my current F150 driving highway speed not towing I can go over 700 miles before refueling, can’t do that in an EV.