Gaston's 2013 Arrival Thread

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Display name:
Greg Bockelman
Rather than getting lost in the chaff, I decided to start a new thread.

Danielle and I arrived in the 195 at about 10:45. Lynn and Chris arrived about an hour later. Runway is dry and firm.

Y'all come down, now. Hear?
ETA 1000 Saturday.
I totally flew a King Air here. By hand! I can die now.

We filed IFR and one of the waypoints was called Paris.

So yeah - I hand flew a King Air at 19,000 feet over Paris.

See you tomorrow.
So yeah - I hand flew a King Air at 19,000 feet over Paris.

Yeah, but Kimberly, there's a difference between:

.........Paris, Tx............................and.................................Paris, Fr.............


See all y'all in a few hours.
We are leaving Little Rock. It's about a 3.5h drive up so we will be pulling in around noon.
Driving? :mad2:

That doesn't count! :nono:


Haha, I wish I could fly up. I'm out of insurance currency at my job. Also I got to busy with my internship I forgot to ask for a ride.

Yep 3.5h to go 150 driving miles. It's 91 NM from my house to the airfield. :nonod:
I totally flew a King Air here. By hand! I can die now.

We filed IFR and one of the waypoints was called Paris.

So yeah - I hand flew a King Air at 19,000 feet over Paris.

See you tomorrow.

Third party affirmation! Yep, she did. Flew well.

Two landings now and on each one pacs said they didn't feel wheels touch, just heard them start rolling. On departure, front wheel comes up quickly, lift off about half way down runway.

Foggy this morning.

We'll be launching around 9, depending on whether we take a potty stop it will be 1-ish or so before we get there.
...and there were, perhaps, a few drinks drunk last night...
Yeah, but Kimberly, there's a difference between:

.........Paris, Tx............................and.................................Paris, Fr.............


See all y'all in a few hours.

You're not a glass half full kinda guy, are you?
Yeah, but Kimberly, there's a difference between:

.........Paris, Tx............................and.................................Paris, Fr.............


See all y'all in a few hours.

I agree. I lived in France for three years and now live in Texas. I'll take Paris TX over the other one any day. :)
I was the first one out in the Cub, off to Virginia :D
o.m.g. First airplane up at 9am? I can see things have fallen apart since I left.
Sunday is usually brunch in the restaurant, followed by (or preceded by, depending on forecast weather) launches for home.
A Gaston's fixture.



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It was good to see everyone...albeit for far too short of a visit.
Brunch reservations @ 10:45
Great meeting folks today. Wish I could have stayed a bit longer but the wife decided she was ready to get home.
I just looked at the prog. for 0700 CDT tomorrow. That's just too much weather for a visit/breakfast. Have to beg off this year :(
I miss you guys. The photos are painful. In a good way. :)

We got the basement mostly cleared out and realized there is no way the one desk is coming up without going after it with a Sawsall. It's been up on Craigslist for free for weeks... And I'm not paying someone to drag it up only to put a free sign on it and have it hauled away to the dump anyway. The two of us can barely lift it. Huge guys would be in pain. They're the type that once they went down there, they could never return to the surface in one piece.

People just don't want large desks around here anymore, I guess. 6' long x 3' deep and heavy as hell. Two of 'em. One disassembles. The other doesn't.

So, tomorrow may be kinda fun in a strange destructive way. (Evil grin...) I can take out my frustrations of not being able to attend Gaston's this year on a poor giant monstrosity of mixed particle board and oak. Make a big mess. Play with the shop vac afterward. Satisfying. Cathartic perhaps, even.

Totally goes against my grain to chop up a perfectly usable desk, but a deadline is a deadline and there's a solid possibility of an offer to hand over the house keys fairly quickly, make reasonable bucks on it, and leave some bucks in it for the couple who wants to work on the place. So... "Everything must go!", as the TV wares hawkers would say.

Today was another dump trip with the 8 x 18 trailer (sorry old telecom racks, and beat up flimsy metal shelves... you're getting recycled as metal scrap... your days were numbered and I'm tired of looking at you doing nothing useful), and deliveries of large items to folks who don't have a giant trailer.

Tomorrow is load the trailer and trucks with the very last load of crap we're keeping (for now... I'm on a warpath of tossing stuff... and after another sort in the garage at the new place there will probably be another dump run later)... and that will be the end of our lovely time in Centennial, CO. Good memories, solid house. 12 years. Looks like we beat the national average by 4.

The photos on FB of Gaston's antics keep me entertained during lunch or breaks. Keep 'em coming!

Wish we were there! (Karen said so too...!!! She liked the photo of Lynn feeding the peacock.)
Steve See, surprise attendee, off early before the line. Ed Fred launched.

Doctor Bruce on his way for brunch.

Fun bunch this year!
The ability to screw up a two-car funeral comes to mind every time I enter that place. Wouldn't you think they would kinda keep an eye on the lettuce bowl in the salad bar?

Sounds like the restaurant is back in favor.
The ability to screw up a two-car funeral comes to mind every time I enter that place. Wouldn't you think they would kinda keep an eye on the lettuce bowl in the salad bar?

They can't even keep track of a French Dip sandwich...why would you expect them to be able to keep track of lettuce?

It was good to see everyone. It's raining pretty good along the return route right now, lotsa stormscope hits. It would appear that neither Wayne nor I died of the brunch :).