PoA Book Club


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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I know this idea has happened a few times, but here's the deal.

A thread a while back discussed the book Flying South. I inquired a little more and Spike offered to send me his copy. It arrived before I went on Vacation and I devoured it during my two days off. It was amazing! A great story about a flight around South America in a a 206.

Anyway...Spike told me I could either return it to him or offer it up on PoA for the next interested person. Ground rules are that:
1) you sign the inside cover
2) Spike always knows the location of the book

When you are done with it either send it back to spike or offer it back up on PoA for the next fortunate reader.

So the first person to send me a PM with their address, gets it!
well that was fast.

William Barnhill got it.

If you want it, PM him to read it fast!
I call it after Mr. Barnhill.
funny, I ordered it on Amazon right when it was discussed and still have not gotten it.
And I call it after Mr. Angell!!

Tom, with your permission I might take a handoff from Jesse (we live near each other so there woujld be no shipping delay) and then send it to you. I promise to read it quickly:yes:.
william - it is in the mail. ill let the rest of you all duke it out over who gets it after that :)
Well, I like the idea of sharing books, so when I get home from the holidays I'll post some of mine available to lend, as well as some "wishes" that some of you might have in your collection.
It appears then its going to Brook as the last I heard. I'll take it after her.
Guys if you don't want to wait stop by your public library. They have had the radical 'lend a book' idea going for a while now. If they don't have it most will get it through a reciprocal borrowing agreement with a library that does have it.
Well, no-one's said anything to me yet, so it's still available after me!

First one to send me their address claims it! :)
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So whats the order so far?

William Barnhill
Jesse Angell
Tom Sisk

Thats the way I see it.

After me it goes to Troy Whistman... From him to Tom and so on.
Guys if you don't want to wait stop by your public library. They have had the radical 'lend a book' idea going for a while now. If they don't have it most will get it through a reciprocal borrowing agreement with a library that does have it.
Marion the Librarian tends to get a bit cross when you write your name in the cover of her books, however! :)
Howd Troy get it before Tom?
Because he was faster getting his address to Jesse than I was! The rule is, if you want the book, you have to SEND YOUR ADDRESS TO THE PERSON FROM WHOM YOU WILL GET IT. The first person to send his/her address is the person that will get the book! :)

Tony Condon said:
So the first person to send me a PM with their address, gets it!

You gotta do dat, else noooo bookie!

so it's William -> Jesse -> Troy -> MOI -> an as yet unknown person!

Get the hint??????
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You gotta do dat, else noooo bookie!

so it's William -> Jesse -> Troy -> MOI -> an as yet unknown person!

Get the hint??????

hehe, thanks for the clarification there.

BTW, I got the book today, so working on it this weekend... :D
OK, gang, I am about to launch the next book... not sure which it'll be, probably "Piece of Cake," a WWII-era novel about RAF Hurricane pilots.

So, where's "Flying South" now?
Speaking of the book club, I just sent "Song of the Sky" to Cape Cod Jay since he spoke up first in chat. Whoever wants it next can e-mail him. Of course if it takes him as long to read it as I did... :dunno:
Spike - I would like to get in line for "Piece of Cake", if not already spoken for?
Spike - I would like to get in line for "Piece of Cake", if not already spoken for?


The line starts with... you!

IM me with the data; I may delay it to allow for Tommy (my son) to read it, but given some very adult language and themes, I expect I'll just send it on.

/s/ Spike