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  1. X3 Skier

    Who is This

    Dunno but the guy on the right is on stilts.
  2. X3 Skier

    For Memorial Day

    That was and is a great piece of writing about a very good man. Two uncles were WWII Vets. One, Ralph, a Radioman/Gunner in B-25's and the other, Joe, an Infantry Grunt in Italy. When Joe came home, he gave me a cigarbox of German Insignia and Medals that he took off of dead or captured Germans...
  3. X3 Skier

    F35 down

    Reminds me of the comment a former Marine Aviator friend made to me many years ago. "There are two kinds of AV-8B Pilots, those who have ejected and those who will."
  4. X3 Skier

    Glider crash - Winter Haven, FL

    Is it a rotary or a radial or a ?
  5. X3 Skier

    Pilot parachutes and leaves 6 PAX to perish? Cessna 206 KC, MO

    Who are the loons in charge at KSHB????
  6. X3 Skier

    New device increases safety for general aviation pilots

    Another gravel kit installation, according to a friend of mine who flew them, was a gravel box mounted on the nose wheel strut of the F-84F, a noted land lover. A string was routed to the cockpit with a pull ring on the end. On a hot day and at the end of a Loooooong takeoff roll to the last 500...
  7. X3 Skier

    New device increases safety for general aviation pilots

    Does it work over water? Landing an Amphib with the gear down usually leads to a sinking aircraft and sometimes fatalities.
  8. X3 Skier

    Aviation License Plates

    Still have my TWA FF Number with American after they gobbled up TWA.
  9. X3 Skier

    Airbus (not Boeing) Fire at gate.

    A "journalist" doesn't need a reason.
  10. X3 Skier

    Airbus (not Boeing) Fire at gate.
  11. X3 Skier

    Buying a LSA. Good idea?

    Thank you for your comments on LSA. We will consider them and take any appropriate action that might be advisable.
  12. X3 Skier

    ME 163 Training FIlm

    Rudi Opitz, the principal test pilot on the Me163 program who survived to be picked up in Operation Paperclip and worked in the U.S. aerospace industry for many years. He also worked in the Me110 test program before WWII. He was a noted soaring pilot as well and passed away in 2010 at the age of...
  13. X3 Skier

    ME 163 Training FIlm

    Translation is a little wanky at times but I found this very interesting. We have one at the National Museum of the USAF at W-P AFB.
  14. X3 Skier

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I've carried a pocket knife forever. Lately I've been successful at "surprise" metal detectors if I forget to leave it in the car by taking out my keys, pen (and the knife) and holding them over my head in a closed fist as I pass thru with the keys dangling visibly. That, coupled with advanced...
  15. X3 Skier

    The death of an insitution

    I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout. Mostly for the camping and other outdoors stuff. I never had the desire to go for Eagle as a Boy Scout or all that jazz but I did enjoy the activities. In fact, I only made Second Class Scout and was happy with that. Sort of a permanent Cpl Klinger. Still...
  16. X3 Skier

    Apple blows chunks

    I’ve had Apple thingies since 1980’s, USAF and Personal. Never had a password problem. Apparently I should set up a consultancy for those less accomplished ;)
  17. X3 Skier

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    I think I saw Schrodinger's Cat at the last Rough River Fly In.
  18. X3 Skier

    Dick Rutan Gone West

    ...on the grass.
  19. X3 Skier

    Dick Rutan Gone West

    As were all the Misty FAC’s.
  20. X3 Skier

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    I can attest to that as it happened at the very first RR I attended. I thought to myself at the time, (Is this Guy an Ax murderer or what?).