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  1. KRyan

    Feathering on power off. GTSIO

    I'll try to help you. What is your prop model and aircraft?
  2. KRyan

    Will your heirs even want your logbooks?

    It's funny what could happen . . . I worked with a lady a few years ago. She had recently gotten her PPL, and somehow or another got word that a plane that she had flown in with her father when she was very young was on the market. She verified this with her father's logs, and ended up buying...
  3. KRyan

    Stolen logs, depreciated value questions

    Ok, I'm curious. Why would anyone steal log books? I've heard about instances where mechanics held logs "hostage," but other than that, why steal logs? It's not like they'd be great coffee table books.
  4. KRyan

    New Windshield - appears to be a defect

    That Depends.
  5. KRyan

    sending a conversation

    Never mind, I figured it out!
  6. KRyan

    sending a conversation

    I started a conversation with a member on this forum. I've written it, but how do I send it?
  7. KRyan

    Thinking about a Lathe and Milling Machine

    There also looks like there's a bunch of redundant stuff you could sell and get some of the 3K back. Also, if it's truly a machine shop going out of business, you might get a bunch of tooling as well, which would save you the additional 3K you'd spend on tooling once you got it home!
  8. KRyan

    Thinking about a Lathe and Milling Machine

    Ted - there a guy on Chicago Craigslist who is selling everything you want (and more) for 3K!
  9. KRyan

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Don't know about the watch, but years ago we had a "health promotion" at my work and everyone had a FitBit. I used to call Bingo on Monday nights, and since I sat at the machine all night I didn't get in my required "steps" for the day. I found that if I put the FitBit on the bingo machine while...
  10. KRyan

    Propeller paint color?

    I've heard "thru the grapevine" that the Tempo paint that Spruce sells will spray much better if you put the can in a bucket of hot water for a while prior to spraying. Don't know if it's true, or how long "a while" is.
  11. KRyan

    Propeller paint color?

    Who did your prop O/H? Are they on an airport? If so, call them and fly in there. The standard prop paint used is a two part epoxy, so you have to mix it before use, and it sets up pretty quickly. If you catch them at the right time, they could just give you an ounce of it right out of their...
  12. KRyan

    Propeller paint color?

    As far as scratching your prop, go to a thrift store and buy a pair of pants - maybe even a pair of kids pants. Cut the legs off. Put a pant leg on each blade. Install your spinner. Remove pant legs after install.
  13. KRyan

    CFI in shorts?

    A bit of a long story, and a bit off topic, but it sort of fits . . . Years ago, my wife and I were on vacation in Key West. My wife DOES NOT like flying. We were visiting Fort Taylor there and a red Waco biplane flew over towing a banner that read "Airplane rides" and a phone number. She turned...
  14. KRyan

    I understand it, I just don't get it...

    I had an acquaintance that was a "train spotter" and he had a "log book" of car and engine numbers. He would check his log against the train he was observing and say "oh, last time I saw that engine it was in Nebraska in September of 1998." I expect it's the same sort of thing, comparing tail...
  15. KRyan

    You know you’re getting old….

    T.V.'s that had channel dials, UHF & VHF, and you only had a few channels to choose from.
  16. KRyan

    [NA] I'm Considering a Career and Location Move

    I don't know the whole country, but, in my opinion, you could do a whole lot worse than SE Ohio. I'm an Ohio native myself - grew up in the Cleveland area, and now live in West-Central Ohio, just north of Dayton. My daughter goes to college in Portsmouth, OH, which is South-Central Ohio. SE Ohio...
  17. KRyan

    Still cleaning your belly with 100LL? Might want to watch this:

    Thomas Midgley Jr. also invented Freon, so he's on the hook for that as well.
  18. KRyan

    As the price of gas at the pump skyrockets

    A few years ago, I bought a Yamaha Vino scooter. It was a 2004 model, and I paid $700 for it. I live about 10 minutes from work, and only have to drive on surface streets (no highway). I'm in Ohio, and can ride the scooter from about April to October, and use it to ride to work and back every...
  19. KRyan


    As I recall, Esperanto was supposed to be a "universal" language so that people could speak to one another and understand one another worldwide. I've been told it is fairly easy to learn, as some of the stumbling blocks (like irregular verbs) are not used. When I was in college, many of the...
  20. KRyan

    Nobody's talking about Meatloaf?

    I saw him at Blossom Music Center (close to Akron, OH), which is an outdoor amphitheater, and Karla DeVito was there with him. I don't know if Ellen Foley (who was the female voice on "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights) ever toured with him, but when I saw him it was with Karla DeVito. I can't...