Search results

  1. hindsight2020

    AOPA vs NATA

    Well, when I do any sort of self-help I'm called a scofflaw or a cheapskate, but please more of the victim-blaming serving, I'm running low on dessert.....
  2. hindsight2020

    IMC definition for approach logging

    I respectfully disagree simulators only reasonably serve as part-task/procedure-trainers. As a career instructor, that experience has made me of the opinion any non-motion sim with sufficient peripheral view limiting and/or wrapping (>180 deg visuals would suffice) is an excellent and economical...
  3. hindsight2020

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    Oh, so we're finally admitting the pervasive nature to pencil-whipping in this space, endemic to a regulatory environment that economically incentivizes said dereliction. Good, we're making progress here. Remember, it's either a pervasive, or it isn't. It can't be both just to shoehorn a...
  4. hindsight2020

    IMC definition for approach logging

    I'd have zero hesitation logging that approach towards the 6 count. Part 91 guys get a bit of a bad deal when it comes to these allowances, especially the unjustified resistance on the part of the regulators to let people count flight simulation devices like DCS platforms. flight sim has come a...
  5. hindsight2020

    Piper automatic gear extend

    Post above have hit the highlights regarding the Arrow gear system. I had one of those with the rube goldberg auto extender. It was actually more patronizing than that. It would also keep the gear from extending if the pressure switch or connections, or diaphram, was on the fritz. Mine started...
  6. hindsight2020

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    It's more of a consent type of thing. You spring proverbial 7 on 7 off, or heck 6mo on 6 mo off for 20 years (hyperbole, even for most of the military, submariners probably exempt) up on someone who didn't sign up to be a part-year single parent, and yeah I think the grievance is warranted. But...
  7. hindsight2020

    Is it me or Cessna 182s just went up by $30-50K in the last 1-2 months?

    ^^^^^Excellent article. Hits it right on the nose regarding the genesis of the controlled opposition by GAMA. Back to MOSAIC: Vaporware, and moot anyways. [prospective] Owners of standard AWC spam cans wanting to enjoy the LSA largesse are going to be disappointed. I understand the...
  8. hindsight2020

    Is it me or Cessna 182s just went up by $30-50K in the last 1-2 months?

    Not related to the 182s, but in the space I've been looking in the past 6 months, to include about half a dozen cash offers so far, the airplanes I know have sold, are selling for about 30K-50K less than the airplanes being listed that don't move. That's how clown unserious the latter sellers...
  9. hindsight2020

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    Wow, just saw it. yeah that's pretty bad. Well then, I stand corrected on giving the AV-30 crap, seems like that's par for the course with these spam can electronics writ large. That level of precession and red-Xing on the attitude indicator would be an immediate code3 grounding mx write up in...
  10. hindsight2020

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    Interesting. E-attitude instruments zonk out if you exceed the listed rate, or if they're mems-based, the installation vibration exceeds the filter gain. Most acro spam cans don't have the control authority to tumble at rates to do that, unless the instrument is consumer grade junk. Decathlons...
  11. hindsight2020

    Climb prop at high altitude cruise?

    Lost cause. This is the same demographic that legitimately believes pulling power low to the ground and climbing at 25/25 extends powerplant longevity to one entire overhaul's TBO worth of difference... while only operating a vented-crankcase engine at a pathetic fraction of the yearly use it'd...
  12. hindsight2020

    Simple departure, ugly result!

    maybe they were married lol. Can they do that in 121? I know in DoD the answer is no señor.
  13. hindsight2020

    Simple departure, ugly result!

    This is what I mean when I bring up the mental geopositional atrophy that the "moving map" generation of present times engenders. I see it all.the.time in flight training. When ATC emphasized left turn and they were already left of the 105 heading, I knew it was over. We call it "graping"...
  14. hindsight2020

    First time medical, >0.15 BAC, want basicmed

    All in all, six months is a pretty cheap sentence to get from under their HIMS nonsense. Play their kabuki for 6 months, and never look back for the rest of your life. You got this! :thumbsup:
  15. hindsight2020

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    cuz I don't endorse moral hazards and the offender wouldn't pay me to have it done. ;)
  16. hindsight2020

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    The supposition being what? That the V-tail somehow takes substantially less time to Vne compared to their conventional tail variant? Meh. I contend that delta, just like everything in this overhyped lawnmower space, is just not significant enough to have made the difference as to whether this...
  17. hindsight2020

    Ugh. Had to book airlines...again.

    pfft, you should try the trifecta: AOG. You get to eat the GA cost AND the airline cost AND the recovery cost. #winning. I get the ptsd's just thinking about it (VA said....not service connected :fingerwag:) This public service announcement brought to you by, U-Haul: U-haul, when you positively...
  18. hindsight2020

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

  19. hindsight2020

    Fall from door

    We had a long time and well-liked contributor here succumb to one such fall at home. Several career terminating falls in recreational life at my work as well. Agree, the ROI of ladder climbing in pedestrian life for me does not pencil out. As the owner of a 2 story home, I subcontract all that...