Search results

  1. Jim_R

    Opt Out of My Legal Rights?

    I think it's more likely that they're just getting with the times. Frankly, I'm surprised that in 2024 there are financial institutions that don't already require binding arbitration. A clause like this has been in my membership agreement for many years or even decades with both of my CUs and...
  2. Jim_R

    Amazing save in a Grumman AA-1C

    I haven't read the story yet, but I can tell you you're supposed to pour the oil *into* the engine, not *near* the engine.
  3. Jim_R

    Vision jet goes for a swim

    Yeah, but it's really expensive, and you can only use it once.
  4. Jim_R

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    Sure, nothing's 100% foolproof. But if you can see that 15 PA28s and C172s got the exact same routing in the last 90 days and no other routes were assigned, you can probably safely wager $5 that's what you're gonna get in your PA28 or C172, too. As always, YMMV.
  5. Jim_R

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    Foreflight,, and probably plenty of others will tell you what route ATC normally assigns for a given airport pair, so it doesn't have to be a surprise, even if you personally haven't flown it before.
  6. Jim_R

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    I almost always get the route I filed. About half the time, I receive my clearance: "Cleared to [destination] as filed." Otherwise I receive it as read out in detail, but with no changes from what I filed. I don't know why it's sometimes one and sometimes the other. Maybe some controllers...
  7. Jim_R

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    Why would your employer know or care about your business dealings outside the scope of your employment? Do they also scrutinize the process when employees buy or sell houses, boats, or cakes at the church bake sale?
  8. Jim_R

    Pulse oximeter?

    That's "Wellue", for anyone searching on it. Probably this thing:
  9. Jim_R


    Apparently you've never spent any time browsing this website:
  10. Jim_R

    Pulse oximeter?

    Yup. Pick the color, display style, and/or price you want. Heck, for $10, buy one for every seat in the plane...
  11. Jim_R

    The "Hand of God" - or how to become a generic NTSB report

    Why do you seem to think there must be a dependency between "magnitude of turbulence" or "direction of turbulence" with surface winds or winds aloft? A pot of boiling water is turbulent, but it's not moving laterally. The same thing can happen with air in the sky. Edit: Oh, I forgot. OP...
  12. Jim_R

    How is the post about Dan Gryder not a personal attack???

    Some of his presentation is clickbait-y ("Stay tuned for the shocking reason...") and his voice sometimes comes across as a little strident, but if you can filter that out his technical commentary is usually thoughtful. Unlike many other YT aviation content creators, Hoover actually has...
  13. Jim_R

    Vision jet goes for a swim

    *that much
  14. Jim_R

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    Neither did Enron investors.
  15. Jim_R

    What is night?

    Since the advent of ADSB, maybe it wouldn't be as hard to "challenge after the fact" as it was 20 years ago. Probably not likely during a job interview, but if the FAA or an insurance company ever really wanted to dig in, nowadays they probably could.
  16. Jim_R

    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    The story linked in the OP says the plane "erupted into flames". Perhaps that's an exaggeration, but that's still a bit inconsistent with a fuel starvation situation. There might be more to the story. I know it's rare in a gravity-fed Cessna, but maybe the student pilot didn't have the fuel...
  17. Jim_R

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    You and I came to two different conclusions re: the accident flight track. To me, the slight zig-zags in the last 25 min look more like small (possibly erratic?) oscillations around his direct course rather than effective weather deviations. The rapid altitude excursion at the end is either a...
  18. Jim_R

    Vans Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

    I didn't say anything about whether that was their only retirement source.
  19. Jim_R

    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    FTFY. Search under just the last name, or last name and first initial.
  20. Jim_R

    The death of an insitution

    Not to derail this thread, but THAT sounds like it would have been a cool job!!