Search results

  1. W

    AME in Hampton Roads area

    Anyone have a good AME in the Hampton Roads area of VA, ideally on the Peninsula. There is one listed in Newport News (Dr Torry), but that's all I could find so far.
  2. W

    Glider crash - Winter Haven, FL

    Maybe not an engine failure but rather an inability to get the engine started. Earlier gliders with aux engines used Solo and Hirth 2-stroke engines which at times didn't want to start. This type uses a small Wankel engine and I have no knowledge on how reliably they fire up. Unless it popped...
  3. W

    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    Zoom, DG and Air Jerry walk into a bar....
  4. W


    It's what an owner of a 'unverified' farm strip in MN told me. Some mail went to Dad's mailbox in town rather than the current farm mailbox and things got lost. State aeronautics came out to verify it's existence and it reappeared with the old identifier.
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    The operator of a private field has the option not to have it charted. I believe it still shows up in the FAAs airport directory. After you file an airport registration, at some point someone from state aeronautics shows up with a surveyors GPS in hand to walk the runway and get the coordinates...
  6. W


    Once the operator sends a airport registration form Form 7480-1 with the 'abandonment' box checked to the FAA.
  7. W


    Unverified is if the operator hasn't returned some FAA or state survey document. Objectionable is if the airspace for the airport impinges on something like an approach , an airway or the airspace of another more important airport.
  8. W

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    A V-tail debate ? That's new!
  9. W

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    I wouldn't call anyone a hack, but his experience in IFR helicopter operations in the accident type twas the bare minimum.
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    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    As the nation where the COA for the helo was issued, under icao rules the US would be an interested party in the investigation in a civilian accident. Military mishap, not so much.
  11. W

    The death of an insitution

    As to the 'why', it may just be that the leadership realized that excluding potential members solely based on gender did nothing to further the mission of the organization. As for the influence of urbanization. Some of the strongest troops are in suburban and urban areas where this is one of...
  12. W

    The death of an insitution

    If you think volunteering for BSA is a buerocratic headache, try doing the paperwork to chaperone a girl scouts activity. My daughter had some sleep away thing and my wife was one of chaperones. I have bought houses with less paperwork than it took to get her through the GSA buerocracy.
  13. W

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    Take off, ask for a more direct route. If the weather is suitable for VFR, you can always cancel.
  14. W

    The death of an insitution

    True. Not much overlap in activities.
  15. W

    The death of an insitution

    ....and unless you live in one of be few locations with a troop unavailable. Scouting is a very local thing. My daughter tagged along with a gaggle of other sisters in my son's troop, but they were never allowed to do any of the sanctioned events. Eventually they peeled off into other...
  16. W

    The death of an insitution

    That's mostly bc GS is booring. In most countries, scouting has been coed for a long time. I was a member of a coed troop in Germany 45 years ago. Keeping girls out of scouting is a unique american hangup, glad it's for the most part over.
  17. W

    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    Take a plea bargain and talk sh¡t about it the second it's final.
  18. W

    April solar eclipse

  19. W

    Am I too big to be a CFI?

    I'll add my recommendation for a in-ear headset. I have a A36 which is not great on headroom and the in-ear helped for that. I used to be 235 and my CFII had about 80lb on me. We had to throw 50lb into the baggage compartment to remain within forward CG.
  20. W

    Am I too big to be a CFI?

    That's actually less of an issue as the pointy stuff is at eye level and folks at 6'5" are used to ducking things like door jambs and light fixtures.