Search results

  1. Mason

    Resorts near small airports?

    Mackinac Island.
  2. Mason

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    Find a girl who loves to fly.
  3. Mason

    I Hate Enterprise

    The Sentra is not the smallest/cheapest Nissan. That would be the Versa. I had one until I was rear-ended. Good little car.
  4. Mason

    Anybody have gps trouble today?

    Northern lights.
  5. Mason

    Site very slow

    It seems blazingly fast now...
  6. Mason

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    Makes sense. If somebody is not paying, take away their ability to earn. That'll fix it!
  7. Mason

    Air-to-Air Piper Tri-Pacer

    very nice.
  8. Mason

    Passing Medical with past drug addiction.

    There are 3 Doc's here who are experts on this topic.
  9. Mason

    Multi State Avionics Thief Arrested

    Lockem up.
  10. Mason

    Thinking about moving and renting out current house

    There are two kinds of tenants: Those who pay on time but beat up the property, and those who treat the property well but are late or worse to pay.
  11. Mason

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Top aircraft should be a low wing.
  12. Mason

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    Win 3.11 on a Tandy 1000.
  13. Mason

    Delta flight grounded over "paperwork"

    Those cards (and everything else in the seatback pocket) is supposed to be checked every night at the layover station.
  14. Mason

    FAA medical (arrested for cocaine 15 years ago)

    Not all AMEs will be willing to do this. Ask for a consultation.
  15. Mason

    Will my medical history become an issue?

    Count on it.
  16. Mason

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    You too?