Search results

  1. bbchien

    First time medical, >0.15 BAC, want basicmed

    Yes (JWilder) if the diagnosis is alcohol dependency, Dry. But if it's abuse, it's 4 months of peeing in the cup, an issuance, and on average about 3 more years of peeing in the cup. Or, it could be NO Alcohol use disorder. So you need to get to a HIMS AME and get the high level evlaution "set...
  2. bbchien

    Getting my Medical back

    You reply with "escalatio": HIMS psychiatry and HIMS neuropsychology evaluation. They are costly. And, Only a HIMS AME can get you into these (and on a proper footing). NB: "I'm not like that anymore but that doctor mentioned these things like I am still that person". may be true but unless you...
  3. bbchien

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    You should do what is necessary on the "Fast Track" pathway (4 years no meds). See attachments, and NOT renew your medical until you have this "in the ba (e.g in the eyes of the FAA, "Lie again"). You WILL need a community Phd Psychologist for this pathway, but if you have it ALL you can be...
  4. bbchien

    I messed up in not reporting

    Tha't'l be a yawn. Just send them a letter saying you forgot to report your statin. Only Repatha requres a "no side effects letter".
  5. bbchien

    Aspen 1000 Pro or Dual G5s

  6. bbchien

    THC and Delta 9 drinks

    If I have an airman repeatedly submitting dilute urines…FAA will Also know the score……
  7. bbchien

    Do you know of any pilots who have been certified after experiencing psychosis?

    I have never succeeded with one. Even a USAF academy guy (negative toxicology) who got delusional during extreme over exhaustion during exam week.
  8. bbchien

    THC and Delta 9 drinks

    Sigh. Guard your pee!
  9. bbchien

    I messed up in not reporting

    Write them at AAM 331, PO box 25082, 6500 S MacArthur Blvd, Oklahoma City OK 73125 But to avoid heartache, if the med requires documentation, send that with the report also.
  10. bbchien

    Pulse oximeter?

    Commodity item! (as another has said B4 this).
  11. bbchien

    ADHD - anny chance I’ll be able to avoid the neuropsych testing?

    Well, even in off meds for 4 years demonstrably, you will still need a PhD Psychologist's take on the matter....though it will not be a HIMS neuropscyhologist (Oct 2023 policy change).
  12. bbchien

    First time medical, >0.15 BAC, want basicmed

    We'll you're in the sytem now. No Basic for you until you satisfy even THIRD class (same inital std). I tell pilots this: There is nothing that REQUIRES you to land at 1.3 VsO or Vref. "But if you don't you are going to get punished". Similarly, there is nothing in part 67 that requies you to...
  13. bbchien

    2024 Current Medical Wait Timeline Using AMAS Thyroid Cancer

    Well Halleujah!.....and back to sim, for you....(!) (thanks, but not a legend. I just pay attention....)
  14. bbchien

    Multi engine time in AirCam aircraft?

    Pilot in command as sole manip of the contols inan aircraft for which you are othewise rated"
  15. bbchien

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    Wheel landings in citabs are really sweet. Knock your airspeed on final down by 5 kts, get it down low and get your Vertical speed down to near zero. Then slowly back out the venier. Touch is alomst rolls on...stick forward a tad....and stick it down. The key is get your...
  16. bbchien

    Multi engine time in AirCam aircraft?

    Go invest in a TW signoff!! Funnest 5 hours you ever had!
  17. bbchien

    2024 Current Medical Wait Timeline Using AMAS Thyroid Cancer

    Your AME of record can do that. He has to just have the gumption to engage a medical officer, M, W-Th, Fri. Won't do it? Incorrect choice of AME. GET to an AME who is willing to do this, new 8500-8 exam gives him standing to call the agency for clearance. I mean, how much per month...
  18. bbchien

    2024 Current Medical Wait Timeline Using AMAS Thyroid Cancer

    TV producer: are you a revenue (135 or 121)airman? If so this approval can be had in 2 weeks. But if not, it's wait wait wait wait for a nearly failed bureaucracy to get to it.......
  19. bbchien


    Mom, I hate to rain but.... ....he needs to be on a two year negative random pee plan, never miss and never be positive. That is AT LEAST abuse (being positive going to a psych provider! What was he thinking? He needs to log an attend NA or AA.... nobody thinks he can sustain remission...