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  1. AV8R_87

    Post aircraft pictures you took

  2. AV8R_87

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  3. AV8R_87

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    Welcome to the community! I second the idea of joining your local EAA chapter. While the male/female ratio might not be in your favor, it will allow you to work on your social skills in general, and you never know what opportunities appear. This guy you just met might have a single sister, or...
  4. AV8R_87

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    Sad to hear they're done doing AV-8B demos at airshows. And I hear the A-10 is close to done, too (although we've heard that a few times by now).
  5. AV8R_87

    Daily Pic

    Chicago skyline
  6. AV8R_87

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Lord Helmet at retirement age:
  7. AV8R_87

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    F-22 giving the lead P-51 a push:
  8. AV8R_87

    Daily Pic

  9. AV8R_87

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    The P-40E at the Smithsonian - a bit of zoom action while the shot was being taken. Static shot below.
  10. AV8R_87

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  11. AV8R_87

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  12. AV8R_87


    Final is out. Blame squarely placed on the gyrocopter pilot.
  13. AV8R_87

    Daily Pic

    Surprised a friend with a scenic tour of the Hudson. Non-aviators are still amazed that we can fly there in a post-9/11 world.
  14. AV8R_87

    Daily Pic

    Where did you go? Tried Lorraine's a while back, but I think the crabcakes at 3W3 are better.
  15. AV8R_87

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  16. AV8R_87

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

  17. AV8R_87

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    I personally know a guy who was held at gunpoint on the side of the highway by a state trooper because he decided to wear his orange flight suit on his way to work. Got a flat tire and trooper pulled behind him as he was changing it. Took a bit of splainin'. Then the edict came: nobody drives to...
  18. AV8R_87

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Go to Taco Bell