Search results

  1. J

    Any AV-30 Experts Out There?

    I'm happy to report it was just user induced. Sometimes these are hard to find :). UAVIONIX has great customer support. Here is the solution: When you are on the main page, you will do the following: 1. Press the left button one time. 2. There will be a box at the top center. 3. Press the...
  2. J

    Any AV-30 Experts Out There?

    I appreciate the feed back. I've read through the POH and the supplement several times. I was hoping there is just a button combination/sequence I'm maybe overlooking. I have a ticket open with support and will give them a call later. I do have the latest software update (2.4.1). So not...
  3. J

    Any AV-30 Experts Out There?

    I have two AV-30s installed. Both are set for GPS tracking. Am I able to set the DG to Magnetic heading? If so, how do is this done? I also have the external magnetometer installed.
  4. J

    Crossing The Appalachians

  5. J

    Purchase Process

    Thanks everyone for the input. It really helps to see many options. As much as I wish it was as simple as a hand shake and a check I don’t think that’s practical in my case. I went with the overall consensus: 1. Contact "Aero-Space Reports" aircraft title and escrow services company in...
  6. J

    Purchase Process

    Looking at making an offer on my first plane. What is the typical process when purchasing an aircraft from an individual ( no broker ). Google search shows letter of intent, purchase agreement, escrow, pre-purchase inspection etc. Additionally, I’m reading some guys using annual in lieu of...
  7. J

    Engine Heater

    Winter has arrived. Anyone have experience with Twin Hornet 22 engine pre-heater? Really seems too good to be true. There are only a couple of videos on youTube all very positive reviews, but one of them is from company themselves. Looking for options this winter since my 182 hates the cold.
  8. J

    Show Me Your Cessna Panel With G5s

    This is the setup I've been looking at after pricing the dual G5's. Curious about why you chose a separate EIS instead of the integrated EIS with the G3?