Search results

  1. flyingpreacher

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    So for your situation, what I would file (personal preference 100%) would be KCMA - VNY - POM - HAPPÉ - BALDI - JISOP - KPSP I chose BALDI and JISOP because they are fixes on the RNAV for 31L (runway with the best winds currently). I always try to file at least an initial fix in case I end up...
  2. flyingpreacher

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    If the past risk is zero (ie. you've never had an engine failure), then the future risk is higher than zero regardless of how small that risk is. I wasn't insinuating that every pilot, plane, or engine, has a time when it's "number is up." You're exactly right: planes are dumb. They don't know...
  3. flyingpreacher

    Funny/Sad Mooney Tiktok

    What a let down… in multiple ways
  4. flyingpreacher

    Treat oil leaks seriously

    This is good advice, and as someone who has always done my own (car) oil changes until my wife's newest car, I think that is among the easiest tasks to undertake, but people usually pay for the convenience. My question was more to the point of: if you aren't mechanically inclined and you...
  5. flyingpreacher

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Well, remember, he takes his DPE fee in the "document checking" stage of the checkride, so this is above and beyond that. Safe to say that the DPE is making an easy grand today...
  6. flyingpreacher

    Treat oil leaks seriously

    This is a fair point and one of which I (as the PIC mentioned above) am definitely guilty. But I would ask the other side of the same question. I noticed an issue, and since I am not an airplane mechanic, I took it to someone who was. He identified the issue but said it was not necessary to deal...
  7. flyingpreacher

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    Well, let’s see now… jk Obviously, the historical risk factor is low, but with our world seemingly on the constant brink of falling apart, the future risk seems to be higher than the historical risk. How many engine failures have I experienced? None, but the longer I fly, the future risk is...
  8. flyingpreacher

    Honest reporting on electric airplanes

    Currently, an EMP would only disable the aircraft's electrical systems, since the spark generated for the engine is produced by magnetos. If we move to the entirety of the propulsion system generated electrically, an EMP would cause the engine to stop functioning. Now, airplanes wouldn't just...
  9. flyingpreacher

    WTF, over? (Video of a bad landing and go around)

    I guess that’s one way to get your 3 takeoffs and landings…
  10. flyingpreacher

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    Ok, so now I officially feel stupid. I clicked on the thread and promptly ignored the title for the body of the thread… the forest for the trees or something like that…
  11. flyingpreacher

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    I love this group, and I would LOVE to attend a fly in. One big factor that is a detractor (although time/availability/other things may contribute) is the lack of specifics on the fly-in thread. I looked at the RR24 thread and had no idea what airport it was at. I was able to find it by going...
  12. flyingpreacher

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Ask and ye shall receive.
  13. flyingpreacher

    I survived the great earthquake of 2024!

    I was at work (law enforcement) talking to my partner. I was mid-sentence, and just stopped and said, “Dude, did you feel that?” He was like, “Nooooo?” I told him, “That was an earthquake. I’m dead serious.” It lasted all of 3, MAYBE 4 seconds here in central PA. I pulled up the seismic...
  14. flyingpreacher

    Pilot Project

    To echo @MountainDude radius and filter searches. Let’s say I want to take my wife to lunch. We know that there’s one restaurant that we love, but we want to try some other things. Draw a radius map (say 100 miles) then filter by airports with restaurants (they either get highlighted or the...
  15. flyingpreacher

    Filing and flying IFR without Instrument Rating

    As inclined as I generally am to give someone the benefit of the doubt or a second chance, there are things here that cause me to be disinclined to do so in this case: 1. He has knowingly committed this violation more than once. (Caveat: As a non-instrument rated pilot, he CAN file and fly...
  16. flyingpreacher

    Fuel Cap...

    Fortunately, I haven’t taken off without a cap yet, but when pulling my plane out of the hangar recently after a full-serve full up, I noticed a strong smell of fuel and sure enough, the fuel cap hadn’t been replaced. It was streaming back along the wing the whole time I pulled it down our...
  17. flyingpreacher

    my flight

    My FIRST GA flight, I was a chubby <1 year old in my grandfather’s Twin Comanche out of KLXT. First GA flight I remember was as a 5 year old as a Sunday School reward for memorizing the 23rd Psalm in a 152 or 172 out of Independence Memorial (5MO2) which closed about 22-23 years ago. First...
  18. flyingpreacher

    Customs trouble

    Ok, I'll play devil's advocate here. On my Bahamas trip last month, I filed my EAPIS to come back on Friday. Weather wasn't great, so we pushed to Sunday. (Weather still wasn't great, but that's beside the point). There is no way to amend/cancel the EAPIS filing, so if this was one of those AOEs...
  19. flyingpreacher

    2024 Goals

    Commercial and Bahamas are already done. Plane is in for annual now, so when it comes out, then we start on instructor certs. Adding become a Mission Pilot for CAP.