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  1. H

    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    Every industry has it's inside baseball and it takes years sometimes to understand the nuances. I do think that anybody with a high school education should know that gravity doesn't "fluctuate" as implied here, but then again I'm not writing newspaper stories in a 2nd language so who am I to...
  2. H

    Person ingested by jet engine, Amsterdam, 5/29

  3. H

    Person ingested by jet engine, Amsterdam, 5/29

    Again? Good lord.
  4. H

    Scott Perdue reviews are good

    I give the guy 100% pass on delivery; not everybody is a natural on screen personality. It's not easy both being at ease and hitting every point you want to.
  5. H

    Scott Perdue reviews are good

    Sorry about the jump scare. Never occurred to me, but I fixed it.
  6. H

    Scott Perdue reviews are good

    I think he deserves his own thread. Always seems to be a level head, with well earned grey hair.
  7. H

    Amazing save in a Grumman AA-1C

    Gonna have to visit reddit for the details
  8. H

    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    (Just here waiting to see how long it takes for Foucault to enter the room) I think the original question was "is there an FAA approved alternative to AAA?" (or words to that effect) but it's turned into addiction is a choice/disease debate.
  9. H

    50 Year old wreck found in lake Champlain

  10. H

    Prebuy gone wrong

    I can't find the thread where we discussed this earlier
  11. H

    Trump's Plane Clips Another at Palm Beach

    Taxing to runway 34?
  12. H

    The older mountain bike thread but now a road bike review update

    Depends how badly you want to go fast I guess...
  13. H

    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    English is the de-facto language in Singapore, but officially it's Malay. Obviously a language translation issue but it's a shame nobody caught the error. Also, I had enough trouble with FAA testing on weather. I hate to imagine what it would be like if we had to add gravitational fluctuations :P
  14. H

    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    This might actually be the worst aviation journalistic take I’ve ever seen “found rapid changes in gravitational force” I think we all understand what they’re trying to say, but wow.
  15. H

    F35 down
  16. H

    Parachuting Safety Issues

  17. H

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    I mean are they accurate to a degree or a tenth of a degree?
  18. H

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    Thanks. Looking for a real answer to the question.
  19. H

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    Pitch & roll: is the margin of error 1%, 2%, 5%? …?