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  1. rhkennerly

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    Okay, this ends for me now, before it spins out of control. I know my wife married the handicapped and that I might not every point correct, every term precisely used. That’s why I inserted the url. I come here to talk flying with flyers. Frankly, if the FSDOs are swamped in piles of PDs...
  2. rhkennerly

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    Hmmm…and there are people who let their hatred of all things ATC to cloud their minds to reasonable evidence from people actually doing the job. I’m not saying they’re right. I’m saying listen to the podcast, make up your own mind, and stop with the ad hominem attacks and attributions of...
  3. rhkennerly

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    “ “Call your local FSDO and ask to speak to an Operations ASI. Ask him how he likes processing PD's. Also, FAA Order 8900.1 has a section on processing PD's.” Oh, so you know this guy who knows a guy. There is the reg side &there is how things work
  4. rhkennerly

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    Well, listen to the podcast and see what you think.
  5. rhkennerly

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    I wrote that an automated TCAS alert generated a report to the supervisor. If a GA aircraft is somehow involved, there is a PPD.
  6. rhkennerly

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    Hmm…how do you know these things?
  7. rhkennerly

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    I’ve been learning a lot about ATC from the podcast Opposing Bases In episode 334 the hosts (one a retired Army pilot and present Air Traffic controller, the other a former Air Traffic controller and current Airline pilot) discuss all things ATC. They...
  8. rhkennerly

    AV-30c HSI

    I installed an Av20s recently & have discovered it is exceedingly sensitive to the slope of the panel. Since it is behind the panel, shimming is a challenge (surface mount has been remedied by 3D printing a mount, I hear). Don’t know if this applies to the av30s. Just a heads up.
  9. rhkennerly

    Student Pilot radio comms and Class C -- step-by-step in chronological order

    Buy a portable radio, park nearby the airport, & listen. There is an ebb & flow to how this works in real life depending on how busy the airspace is. So comms are always the same, but also different.
  10. rhkennerly

    Which Engine Oil Analysis?

    Which engine oil analysis are you using and why? Are there any services that are particularly good with the Rotax 912? (Lots of comparative data)
  11. rhkennerly

    How patient should I be?

    All righty, then this might be a drive a little, fly a lot situation. Driving down county might help you find a school with fewer students and better availability.
  12. rhkennerly

    How patient should I be?

    Just a guess: cheapest rentals in the area?
  13. rhkennerly

    AWC 3 and 4 digit ceilings

    This is the only time I’ve ever seen CIG in any station report depicted that way, nor can I find it in any other legend on the internet that has it. If you find out, I’d like to know.
  14. rhkennerly

    We ordered a Bushcat

    Not wealthy. Prudent. I’m just several decades older than you.
  15. rhkennerly

    We ordered a Bushcat

    Well, that’s already happening. OTOH, you’ve apparently yet to endure the economic surprises of annualing a 35-45 yr old plane, especially those in used for training. New ADs popping up all the time. ADs that were poorly performed, papered over, or ignored. Engines that suck a valve. A...
  16. rhkennerly

    General Question Over DUI, Form 8500-8, Form 8710-11

    Alcohol & drug arrests, not just conviction's, are a mandatory reporting event, regardless of class of license. Even arrests for boating while intoxicated. Actually, you have done yourself a favor by self-disclosing. The FAA matches state & federal driving & arrest records. A few years ago...
  17. rhkennerly

    Any tips to better familiarize direction, degrees & headings?

    This is where learning to work the wind side of an E6B helped students get a feel for these issues. Electronic calculators give you a number. The E6B gives you numbers but also helps you visualize, because you are drawing the wind triangle. There are any number of gizmos in the Pilot Shops...
  18. rhkennerly

    Practicing short field landings in gusting winds

    I think context matters with this question. Are you asking: 1. for a written or oral test? 2. as a student preparing for a check ride? 3. as a private pilot out to improve gusty wind skills? or 4. as a pilot interested in backcountry flying or stol competition skills? if 4, then the...
  19. rhkennerly

    We ordered a Bushcat

    Oh, you meant the proposed Mosaic regs. Maybe, maybe not. We won’t know until 2025. There is still a lot of flux in the rule-making. I think it’s mostly eyewash from RSR. After all, the competition is hot for any used plane right now. Sport Pilots would have to compete with established...
  20. rhkennerly

    We ordered a Bushcat

    Never heard of it, but looks comparable. I was most attracted by the quick delivery time, but then covid & supply issue.