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  1. Bob Noel

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  2. Bob Noel

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  3. Bob Noel

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  4. Bob Noel

    AOPA vs NATA

    perhaps, but way too many people think the large check written for a manager guarantees them anything. Just think about how many high-priced "managers" have driven companies into the toilet.
  5. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    yup - know that. But good ol' Angel didn't just completely screw up balls/strikes calls.
  6. Bob Noel

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  7. Bob Noel

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  8. Bob Noel

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  9. Bob Noel

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  10. Bob Noel

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    it would be truly nice if that $100 would fill your tanks...
  11. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    I saw one article that says he wasn't the worst, but consistently grades below average. But the article also said that he made some truly horrible calls. I suppose the MLB replay rules are in place due in large part to that guy
  12. Bob Noel

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  13. Bob Noel

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  14. Bob Noel

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  15. Bob Noel

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  16. Bob Noel

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  17. Bob Noel

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    related to the unrelated tidbit: if a controller mentions that, when you are VFR, he's not receiving your Mode C, it might be a subtle hint that you either haven't turned on your transponder or left it on a discrete code. I'm not saying how I know this...
  18. Bob Noel

    Who is This

    I thought the answer was usually Lee Havey Oswald
  19. Bob Noel

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