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  1. Tools

    Flying by the numbers ?

    Hmmm… I think the term “flying by the numbers” is misleading. It’s using a certain sequence of control manipulations that give you those numbers. We did this at the boat at a WHOLE NUTHER LEVEL. I mean 27 degrees angle of bank, fuel flow to about a 50 lbs an hour accuracy, vsi within 50 fpm...
  2. Tools

    Is there anyway to come back from an FAA Emergency Revocation

    Flying without “permission” is an enforcement issue. Doesn’t look like they care about that. If anyone should be scared, it’s the flight school that allows it to happen… The depression issue is nearly certainly what provoked the “emergency revocation”. Yes, that’s recoverable. It’s a mess...
  3. Tools

    Coastline Sightseeing Flight out of KECP - Northwest Florida Beaches

    It’s FAR 93 Airspace. Basically flight following… however, the general rule is above 3000 or BELOW 500! Ha! I always take B, below 500 and start counting sharks, turtles and dolphins, and watch Hercs takeoff right over me. If ya wanna get all nutty, goto FAAST and do the part 93 airspace...
  4. Tools

    Blue Angels IMAX

    The Hornet is an auto, d’uh! The manly Hoover on the other hand…
  5. Tools

    RPM/Performance decrease after cylinder replacement & carburetor rebuild

    Yes. Compression tests. It’s actually a leak down test, not a compression test… nomenclature. And I agree, 2500 wouldn’t scare me, but if it was 2700… something is wrong. You are correct to apply your own common sense and intuition. His attitude of it passed some esoteric metric that is...
  6. Tools

    RPM/Performance decrease after cylinder replacement & carburetor rebuild

    Same carb, or replacement? Just curious. My tiny pilot brain is thinking something went wrong with carb. Cylinder is also suspect, would want leak down data on that. In terms of reinstall errors… scat tubes done wrong, carb heat not even hooked up, maybe rigging, not likely but possible...
  7. Tools

    Flying with retired pilots

    EAA chapters frequently have the type you mention. Which is people like me by the way. I do LOTS of “comfort” flying. I basically have a congregation. I don’t ask for money. I get lots of lunches and free tools! Ha!
  8. Tools

    Blue Angels IMAX

    When I got a ride we were yawing like mad. I asked about it, he replied that being so close you can’t use the ailerons. The boss owns them. Where he puts his wings, dictates where I put mine. Period. To induce a little heading change to stay in position or move has to be done with rudder...
  9. Tools

    5/13/2024 Tri-Pacer down near Enderlin, ND - non-fatal

    Not really TRI Pacer then, is it? Askin for a friend…
  10. Tools

    Fall from door

    Keepin it apropos, that’s EXACTLY why I tell students that stalling after an engine failure IS NOT AN OPTION. At all. No stalling. FLY to the site of the crash, don’t fall to it. I mean, may as well listen, if they survive stalling after an engine failure, I’m gonna kill ‘em anyway, just...
  11. Tools

    If you have to ask,...

    They lookin for pilots? May as well get paid to do it! Ha!
  12. Tools

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    LOTS of good advice here. Emphasis: 1. Airplanes DO NOT bounce. I’ve seen lots of old film footage of them dropping airplanes to test the gear. Hardly bounce at all. They GO FLYING AGAIN. Plain and simple. A bounce occurs below flying speed, or any significant contribution of lift...
  13. Tools

    Blue Angels IMAX

    Me three. Was a good watch!! Saw most of the pilots there after the showing at the iMax in Pensacola, nice little bonus. Didn’t know anything about it, an army bud of mine figured it all out and said we should go. Glad he did!
  14. Tools

    Aviation License Plates

    Whoa! My Piet is N2RN. Always wondered why he didn’t have N1… now I know. Was built and registered by Richard Navratil… small world, de N0KKJ
  15. Tools

    A new panel with only GPS navigation for IFR flying

    I understand it’ll cost more, but I REALLY REALLY like the Dynon setup. If I were going HARD IFR capable I’d probably want all Garmin. But for what you’re doing I’d actually prefer the Dynon setup. The integrated functionality of the radios, autopilot, transponder and ADSB stuff (think...
  16. Tools

    What is night?

    When the Sandman comes? You know, after light exits? Not gonna be able to get that out of my head the rest of the night…
  17. Tools

    Flamping... Sort of

    Stinson L-5 ambulance… Believe it or not the Vashon Ranger seats fold flat forward supposedly so you can sleep in it comfortably. I haven’t done it yet, but it might happen this year at Oshkosh if I don’t finish the Starduster in time.
  18. Tools

    Spatial Disorientation

    Never… ever… however, I could never understand why lead would always do barrel rolls while flying night IMC formation. Made it hellish tough…
  19. Tools

    How do I approach this? - SI requirement to see therapist (mental health), but no current issues...

    Uh… actually that’s exactly what you do… I know tons of folks who signed waivers to go to rehab (rehab joint required it) acknowledging that they were receiving treatment that wasn’t medically necessary. FAA seems to think that mitigates something.. Look at it this way, you are satiating an...
  20. Tools

    #OSH23 Jambalaya/Chili Party Tuesday

    What…. What’s all this “thanks”, “it’s alright…” stuff? What about us? Don’t we have rights? Ok fine… We wish you the very best! Us and our grumbling empty spoiled stomachs will be happy to welcome you back into the fold. No wait. I only got to go once… mods! Can’t you do something to...