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  1. S

    United 767 touch and go video

    Not as dramatic as the YouTube header would like one to believe, but still an interesting video of this United 767 touch and go Zürich. Looks like no spoilers on the first landing?
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    Vision jet goes for a swim

    The Citation guy had a sense of humor, his next Citation was registered, OY-WET.
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    Biplane down Santa Maria KSMX

    Looks like a Skybolt to me.
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    Boeing cargo plane makes emergency 'belly' landing

    Sounds normal after trying alternate gear extension.
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    Which airplanes are you most excited about potentially being available in US under MOSAIC / mLSA rules?

    On the other hand, there is a really nice 80% one flying in the Czech Republic as an LSA with a Verner engine.
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    Well, to me saying "my landing" when prompted with reason for go-around he did just that with different words.
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    My Glider Club Impressions...

    Depends what you want to do with it. A colleague has a Twin Shark and is very happy with it. It's competitive in the FAI 20m multi-seat class and he's done quite well in competitions.
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    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    Well, that trip would be way less than 12 parsecs!
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    String of commercial airliner mishaps continues...

    Losing cowling parts have been more of an Airbus 320 series thing the last 10 years or so. It's the one item I go down on one knee for to have a closer look. British Airways even had them open on both sides on a 319 resulting in a loss of hydraulic system and fire when the cowlings started...
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    Boeing's streak continues: 737 Gear Collapse

    Anyone know if there is a small ditch or something there? The gear isn't designed to take huge side loads, but still seems weird if it collapsed going into the grass at 30kts max.
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    Boeing’s on a streak...

    Yeah, no bribes or corruption when military contracts are awarded etc. It's the same both sides of the pond and everywhere else too.
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    Boeing’s on a streak...

    Because of the chaotic situation. However, the plane was still telling them they were both using inputs on the controls at the same time. "Dual input" was heard several times on the CVR. By then it was too late anyhow.
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    Plane crash on FL freeway

    All transport category planes I have flown from 4 different manufacturers have gear down as part of the off airport emergency landing checklist. Looked like the nose started to raise to me, but they were probably running out of energy, so the trajectory didn't change much.
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    Leaning to peak EGT

    Should be LOP in that case.
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    "I'm pretty sure an Airbus would have the same problem..."

    Or was CNN. Almost 10 years ago now.
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    Take your A320 Off-Roading :-)

    Still needs some tape before the next flight.
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    Boeing’s on a streak...

    Only one engine type used on the 747-8, the GEnx.
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    Using ADS-B to clear practice area

    I would do it just as you suggest, ADS-B check, clearing, then sequence. However, I'm more or less eyeballs out all the time during a sequence and have spotted traffic numerous times during practice. On a few occasions I've aborted the sequence because of it. Climb back up, start again.
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    Alaska Airlines explosive decompression 1/5/23

    At my company the CVR is on none of the checklists. The securing of CVR by pulling the CB part we have on a separate incident/accident guide. No idea how Alaska does it.
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    Alaska Airlines explosive decompression 1/5/23

    Never seen a checklist with the CVR breaker on it. It's procedure to do it in case of incidents/accidents like this, but not an item on the checklists I have used on Boeing/Airbus.