Search results

  1. farangutan

    What are Currently the Best EFB’s for IPad?

    Very interesting, and a great point. Thanks for taking the time to explain a real use case difference. That's a nice long flight. I checked it myself, I first put it in the search box right on the maps page "KTTA KSSI" then hit enter. It creates a direct flight plan. Then I did it the way you...
  2. farangutan

    What are Currently the Best EFB’s for IPad?

    I don't doubt foreflight may have more advanced IFR flight planning tools but I'm genuinely curious what IFR flight planning features you think are lacking. What appealed to me when I was trying out both was that I didn't have to pay extra for geo-referenced approach plates and airport diagrams...
  3. farangutan

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    Wrapped up the tailwheel endorsement today, it was a challenge and also enjoyable. I'm training now for CFI initial and it was humbling and valuable to me to put myself back into the student mindset of learning something new and even a mini solo experience. Keep up the training OP, you may train...
  4. farangutan

    Low-cost, portable CO detector?

    Good suggestions, I'll be buying one this weekend for sure. A pilot friend bought a battery powered CO sensor earlier this week. First flight with it, yesterday. During climb we hear a slight change in the engine noise. No abrupt performance, except I noted after leveling off that 1 CHT was...
  5. farangutan

    High Performance and Complex Rating

    Train in your plane, the FAA CFII can give you the HP and complex endorsement during the training. Train IFR with your plane with what you have and rent to get experience with other avionics and/or checkride if needed. It may shape what you really want and need in your own plane down the line.
  6. farangutan

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    I'm currently getting my tailwheel endorsement as well. My instructor is also going with teaching wheel landings first. Each has been at least 10 landings. I did better my first lesson but on the second lesson I had the exact same problem as you. Bouncing, too fast, or two much sink, one time...
  7. farangutan

    What are Currently the Best EFB’s for IPad?

    I locked in a lifetime subscription to FlyQ 5 years ago. I had foreflight for a few years at that point. Tried out FlyQ concurrently with Foreflight on iPad and couple others on android. FlyQ seemed the best for me at the time and still remains my go to because I know it the best. I think that...
  8. farangutan

    What are currently the best EFBs for Android?

    They were responded with a couple days to a question I put to them when I was on the free trial period. I had issues with adding aircraft profiles and they updated the app within days.
  9. farangutan

    What are currently the best EFBs for Android?

    I've been test driving this one on my Android. It is competitive with the other EFBs for android.
  10. farangutan

    Commercial Confusion

    My CFI for commercial was a new CFI. Pro: the maneuvers and oral exam prep required were fresh in memory and she did a good job teaching me those. Con: I was her first commercial student and she missed a couple endorsements for the checkride. My DPE, thankfully, was patient enough to wait for...
  11. farangutan

    Headset Evaluation

    That's a good point. I've only been burned once but that was on a motorcycle forum.
  12. farangutan

    Headset Evaluation

    To the OP, register to all of the aviation forums you can think of and check the classifieds. Used ANR headsets pop up from time to time. I bought a used Lightspeed here a few years ago and then resold it here a while later. Make friends at the airport. I bought a used Bose A20 from a CFI buddy.
  13. farangutan

    Daily Pic

    Wow, beautiful snowy mountains. I always forget that most of the country is still cold this time of year.
  14. farangutan

    Headset Evaluation

    I recommend the in-ear headsets. With good tips you can bring the noise down to ANR levels. I use custom molded ear pieces. Some even have ANR but I've never tried those. As for bluetooth, you can buy a bluetooth module separately and make any headset bluetooth enabled. The best reason to go...
  15. farangutan

    Night currency

    I really like flying at night and I typically fly approaches at night for currency with a safety pilot. At night, even when flying VFR I use an approach as guidance to familiar and unfamiliar airports. Especially flying in to an airport with multiple runways and/or surrounded by city lights. My...
  16. farangutan

    Am I too big to be a CFI?

    At Sun N Fun one year, I had custom ear tips molded. Custom tips + in-ear headset. Much cheaper that a Bose or Lightspeed, more head room, and less heat and sweat in Florida summer. Caveat, I fly a traveler with the O-320 and isn't as loud as a twin (I switched back to ANR headset for multi...
  17. farangutan

    Am I too big to be a CFI?

    AA-5. I prefer the AA5 to the C172. But I'm now biased.
  18. farangutan

    Am I too big to be a CFI?

    Maybe don't fly a Grumman, I'm more legs than torso at 6'1" and switched to in-ear headset and remove the seat cushion and sit directly on the seat pan to get more clearance. 205 lb
  19. farangutan

    C150 or C152

    Trying to make a firm conclusion on a grainy pic. I've some prop nicks like that. Some fixed by mechanic and another time we sent the prop in for an overhaul. Came back looking like a brand new prop. Very likely some gravel or rock hit the prop on your last flight. One time the FBO fuel truck...
  20. farangutan

    Aspen Heading & Knobs

    I used an aspen that seemed to randomly respond to the inputs using the knobs. Sorry nothing to add other than it seems that is a weak point in the hardware design.