Search results

  1. Spring Ford

    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    They float gently upward to the ceiling at 1.2 - 1 g = 0.2g. They are basically free falling in space and the plane quite gently catches up with them. After 90 ft of free fall the floor then comes up towards them at 1.2 + 1 = 2.2g and smashes them on the whatever. The +/- 1 is due to the...
  2. Spring Ford

    Flamping... Sort of

    Thing is, planes are bearproof -ish.
  3. Spring Ford

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    No that looks nothing like a Tesla.
  4. Spring Ford

    Windows 10 Help

  5. Spring Ford

    Jacobs-powered pickup

    Better to start with a bigger engine and chop off any inconvenient cylinders. I think there is about 300 cu in still remaining here.
  6. Spring Ford

    Thinking about a Bus/RV

    Let me guess. You are going to put the Wankel in the bus. Not for it's propulsive effect but just so it can be started and make a noise. I guess you would need a load for it to sound right. The remaining question is, exhaust inside or outside? Inside, you would need a lot of ventilation but...
  7. Spring Ford

    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    That's why to make Star Trek they invented the warp drive, made a giant spaceship and travelled across several galaxies meeting all kinds of new civilizations along the way. Just ask Captain Kirk.
  8. Spring Ford

    Dog Sedation

    I have only read one, Christine and I was so terrified, but at the same time captivated, I hoped never to read another. I paid no attention to the author's name and it was only a long time later I found out that the writer was a well known horror man.
  9. Spring Ford

    Deltahawk update from S&F looks good!

    Their web site says certification completed May 2023. [Edit- That was one power rating, others likely still on the way.] "DELTAHAWK’S JET-FUELED PISTON ENGINE RECEIVES FAA CERTIFICATION" (Their bold caps as headline.)
  10. Spring Ford

    Dog Sedation

    Is this the usual practice where you are?
  11. Spring Ford

    Thinking about a Bus/RV

    Now you have done the sleep sounds track, you can do wake-up sounds next time out with the RX7.
  12. Spring Ford

    Windows 10 Help

    You have far too much memory installed in the computer. Windows 10 works best with 4GB. You can send the unneeded memory to me.
  13. Spring Ford

    Wing walking thrill rides shut down, pilot/operator loses license

    That video is from 7 years ago. At $1500 for a 30 minute trip I guess the guy might not be too bothered that he can't do it any more:cool:
  14. Spring Ford

    Cox email moving to Yahoo?

    Hi Management, I don't want to worry you however a thread has appeared from sometime round about 1998! Perhaps you have a virus or hacker?
  15. Spring Ford

    Flightaware N number spoofing?

    Apparently this aircraft operated in the US for some years with different codes in it's two transponders. They appear to switch transponders every leg. I noticed the not-joined-up ADSB legs. It even passed very close to the White House (3 miles) showing the weird wrong country code. No one shot...
  16. Spring Ford

    Flightaware N number spoofing?

    "8. AIRCRAFT PARKING FEES First 40 minutes (from touch-down to take-off) NO CHARGE" What's not to like, free parking?
  17. Spring Ford


    Pie please.
  18. Spring Ford

    An interesting engine conversion - flat plane to cross plane four cylinder

    This image from the film shows the firing intervals. 90, 180, 270, 180, crank angle. I can't imagine this ever being acceptable in a normal road car. I have read what I can about uneven firing intervals being applicable to bike racing and there seems to be some traction advantage connected with...