Search results

  1. jwyatt

    GFC 500 issues

    The backplate (which the fan is attached to) can be removed from the tray, without needing to uninstall the tray from the panel, as long as you have access and a long #1 Phillips.
  2. jwyatt

    Bahamas first-timers trip report

    Yep, I'm RST based (formerly RGK but would I admit to spending that much time in Wisconsin?! ;)). Happy to meet up sometime and chat. No concerns with experimentals -- you need to download and print the Standardized Validation for the Bahamas and carry it onboard, same as for flights to Canada...
  3. jwyatt

    Bahamas first-timers trip report

    Wrapped up a full panel upgrade -- which really amounted to rewiring most of the airplane -- and got the shakedown flights and new xpdr/pitot-static inspections done in time to make our first visit to the Bahamas, escaping the midwest before the winter's first big snow. This is a trip we've...
  4. jwyatt

    Putting CamGuard to the Test

    XC 20W50 with Camguard here too, since immediately after break-in on a new engine … of course I also had to tear it down to put in a new cam and lifters at 450hrs. :frown:
  5. jwyatt

    Midwest POA June Lunch? Breakfast? Where? Who knows. June 22, 2024

    I'm in (+1) -- assuming weather cooperates. Lunchtime better than breakfasttime because it's a 2:30 flight.
  6. jwyatt

    Foreflight Eclipse Map Layer

    Perfect if you want to look at it in a web browser! The KML was of particular interest to me to preview potential airports along the path.
  7. jwyatt

    FF to .kml

    You can export the KML from inside Foreflight, too -- when viewing the tracklog, tap the "export" icon (box with an upward arrow) in the top right. You'll be able to email it as an attachment, or send it directly to another app on the device. (Disclaimer: I just tested this in FF 15.11.1...
  8. jwyatt

    FF to .kml

    If you saved your breadcrumbs as a track log, you can download a KML from the web interface via
  9. jwyatt

    2024 Goals

    - 200+ hours - 15 hours actual IMC - Maintain all my currencies without lapse: pax, night, IFR - 4+ long XC trips (4+ hrs or 500+ nm one way) - 6+ fly-in gatherings/meals - Commercial - Bonus: Bahamas trip - Double bonus: Alaska trip
  10. jwyatt

    Foreflight Eclipse Map Layer

    My wife and I were talking eclipse last night, and I couldn’t easily find a Foreflight custom layer for this one, like I found in 2017. So I made one. Sharing in case it may be of use to anyone else. The centerline is drawn, and 30-second bands of duration (starts with purple at 4:00+)...
  11. jwyatt

    2023 aviation goals

    ✅ 146 hours in 2023, plane went into the paint shop in August and expected back in January. ✅ Instrument checkride passed June 30. ✅ Santa Fe NM in March … Charleston SC in June … 2-day trip to Arkansas in June as part of IFR training. ❌ missed all the midwest POA meals due to work or...
  12. jwyatt

    6Y9 2023 Fly in/camp out

    Ice cream looks fantastic. We’d been hoping to return for the weekend this year but have to miss out, as the plane went into the paint shop a couple weeks ago. See you all in ‘24!
  13. jwyatt

    Airpark requirements survey

    Ope! That's an oversight, approaches should have been included in the airport services & amenities section. I've added it; I'll have to include that in the results with an asterisk since the first batch of responses didn't have the opportunity to select it. Probably only applies to the public...
  14. jwyatt

    Airpark requirements survey

    Appreciate the positive reactions! I looked at this and the form logic does appear to require at least ONE of the lighting checkboxes to be checked (I wrongly assumed that it would allow you to check zero options if you did not need them) contain the cases where lighting is unimportant to...
  15. jwyatt

    Airpark requirements survey

    I've been interested in airparks since the days my father would bundle the family into the car and drive an hour or more to look at lots on runways, then return home and talk about what life would be like if we could move there. Never happened, but 20-some years, a PPL, and an airplane later...
  16. jwyatt

    2023 aviation goals

    Fly 100+ hours Instrument rating (written passed in ‘22, so clock’s ticking!) Make two or three long XC trips (4+ hours or ~500+ miles one-way) Attend more fly-in gatherings / meals
  17. jwyatt

    Midwest POA June Lunch? Breakfast? Where? Who knows. June 22, 2024

    Also out, family duties call even if the weather were to clear up. Next time!
  18. jwyatt

    Midwest POA June Lunch? Breakfast? Where? Who knows. June 22, 2024

    Strong probable, depending of course on wx and some family stuff. Been trying to catch y'all at one of these.
  19. jwyatt

    How much do you spend monthly/annually on flying

    $6k fixed costs per year - hangar+utilities, insurance, inspections, taxes/fees, databases, Foreflight, typical maintenance. $50/hr variable costs - fuel (a mainly mogas diet), oil, filters. So about $11k assuming 100hrs annually, which has been my goal, and I’m on track to hit it this year...
  20. jwyatt

    Bahamas Fly-Out Roll Call

    The place looks great! Sadly it appears we'll need to sit this one out, as my better half doesn't get her spring break until the following week. If there's how-to sessions or the like held for the group in the preparation phase, though, I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall -- it's still a...