Search results

  1. dbahn

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    Any estimate is subject to the "while we're at it" feature, meaning you will likely find things that are airworthy but more convenient to upgrade during the project than after you think it's all done. Thirty years ago I could probably have bought a pretty good J3 but elected to buy one that...
  2. dbahn

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    Don't get me started on that. As a prescribing MD in a pain heavy practice (orthopedic surgery) I've argued against the careless prescribing of narcotics for mild to moderate pain, and you are correct about the downstream issues because they rarely affect the prescriber.
  3. dbahn

    Etiquette for using a friends plane

    It costs a lot of money to let a plane sit for a long period of time, plus it's an inconvenience to fix the problems that occur with it. Enjoy the time.
  4. dbahn

    Do you know of any pilots who have been certified after experiencing psychosis?

    With a lot luck of his doctor doesn’t know either.
  5. dbahn

    IFR time

    I always logged "IFR" time as under the hood or actual IMC then noted the actual IMC time in the comment section. My logbooks (all seven of them) are mostly for me but can be used to verify times required by someone else, like insurance carriers or even the FAA.
  6. dbahn

    Done . . .

    She got her certificate quickly after we returned from Alaska in 1998 but never really wanted to pilot the C206, although that’s an option if she’s interested. She’s 19 years younger than I am and could extend our usage but we have other things to do as well.
  7. dbahn

    Done . . .

    Got head start on the boat, a 30 foot motorhome, and a bigger tractor . . .
  8. dbahn

    Done . . .

    I am planning to stick around, here and elsewhere. Social media can be informative and constructive at the same time, even though it can go haywire every now and then. In the middle of the night a few days ago I conjured up a plan. I have to return to Pittsburgh a few weeks after my brain...
  9. dbahn

    Pilot parachutes and leaves 6 PAX to perish? Cessna 206 KC, MO

    That becomes almost obvious when you look at the crash photos and read "survived" in the text. ;)
  10. dbahn

    Done . . .

    We all face it sometime, but my own time has come to be permanently self-grounded. With no warning, I had three small focal-aware seizures involving just my right elbow about three weeks ago (and none since). An extemely extensive work up in both Vermont at at UPMC in Pittsburgh ultimately...
  11. dbahn

    Is it me or Cessna 182s just went up by $30-50K in the last 1-2 months?

    It's crazy, but I'll be selling my C206 soon, so peronally I'm not complaining . . .
  12. dbahn

    BasicMed expansion?

    Might it be with the speeds associated with the altitudes? Oxygen comes into play well below the floor of class A, but I can see that it might be an ATC "convenience" to exclude relative slowpokes from the high speed traffic - just in the interest of overall efficiency if nothing else.
  13. dbahn

    Flying with retired pilots

    . . . at least something about reversers . . . :)
  14. dbahn

    BasicMed expansion?

    I think the data so far at least supports that position. I wonder how that may change as pilots on Basic Med get further and further away from their initial certification as they age and become more likely to have more medical conditions that would disqualify them from certification using the...
  15. dbahn

    do i need to tell FAA about a mole removal?

    Why wouldn't you?
  16. dbahn

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    As with any risk management, all of the variables need to be included in the decision making. Pilot xperience is a big one of those variables, but so is the aircraft, wind speed and direction, wind gusts, and many other factors. In 50 years of flying I've never relied on a "numerical" answer...
  17. dbahn

    Flamping... Sort of

    The "ambulance mod" is what gave me the idea of an emergency bunk in the PA-12 on floats, mentioned above. (PA-12 was originally designated J-5). Bears are scary if you're stuck all alone in the wildnerness.
  18. dbahn

    Flamping... Sort of

    You also have a slight degree of protection from bears, or at least we liked to believe so. When you read about bear attacks on campers in their tents it's frightening - not that bears can't rip through aluminum fairly quickly but it might have given us time to grab the shotgun . . .
  19. dbahn

    How I got phished!

    Here's my inbox a few days ago from a completely clueless bonehead scammer or someone that has some kind of hidden trap that I can't figure out. o_O
  20. dbahn

    Private Sale or Broker?

    I'm comfortable sharing that but I will need to dig those up, and I think it can shoot a coupled LPV approach but not sure I ever even tested that. Send me a PM if you have heard from me in a few days.