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  1. The Old Man

    The real 5-11 Update

    It has been the absolute worst week so far. And it started out so good. After the chemo on the 2nd, things were all looking up. My appetite was getting even better and my weight was climbing. It was so good, I had no trouble ignoring the declining SPO2 number. Friday night, the weight was...
  2. The Old Man


    Just got home from Hospital 20 mins ago more extensive updte will follow.
  3. The Old Man

    Updat 5 3

    Thanks for the recipe. We both like pulled pork sandwiches and the cheif cook has a couple of favorite recipes she uses. I'll let her look this one over. BTW, what's up with looking at the Mouse?
  4. The Old Man

    Updat 5 3

    If you go to their website, they have a list of products. Unfortunately, not all are locally available. The Chicken Pot Pie and Beef and Noodles were nothing to write home about, but we still gotta find the Ham and Scalloped Potatoes an the Meatball Stew.
  5. The Old Man

    Updat 5 3

    John, go salt free for several days to get ahead, then try the chicken and dumplings. Nothing in there but chicken, broth, and flat dumplings. BIG chunks of smoked chicken that is just simply delicious. Only comes in a 20 oz can, and I ate the whole thing!
  6. The Old Man

    Updat 5 3

    Well, the weight gain seems to be real! Whoopee! I am not feeling any strength gain yet, but know that it will come. Probably not beore this week's chemo knocks me back into the ashcan again. The gain did surprise the oncologist though, along with the results of the 4/24 CT. Everything he could...
  7. The Old Man

    Update 4 26

    But, but, I finally appear to be gaining weight. That's what I need more than anything right now.
  8. The Old Man

    Update 4 26

    Thursday night, I weighed before getting ready or bed. 133.2. Up point two, whoopee. nothing significant considering I has eaten a good dinner. I didn't think about it mu7ch Friday, but bedtime brought a big surprise. I had eaten good all day and now the scales trumpeted 137.0. Same thing last...
  9. The Old Man

    Update 4 26

    It has been a good week and a bad week. As of Tuesday's Oncologist appt, my weight is down to 133. Given that strength and weight are correlated, this is an indication of my strength level. Consequently, we cancelled this weeks chemo. This is the last one we can cancel. We must get back in it...
  10. The Old Man

    Fly-In Pics

    We been there
  11. The Old Man

    Update 4 19

    Spike, Glad I looked good enough not to scare y'all. As a measure of how much I enjoyed the visit, I slept until 9AM this morning. I feel absolutely great this morning. You two are welcome anytime you feel like dropping by. Even Max says so. Be aware that there are a lot of items on the CD that...
  12. The Old Man

    Update 4 19

    Troy, We cannot express how much we enjoyed the visit. You and Spike are among the "good people", not to detract from how much fun you bring with you. I am totally wore out, from the fun, but happier than we have been for a while. Thank you so much. Tes, Max is awesome. And he knows it.
  13. The Old Man

    Update 4 19

    Adam, Thank you and your daughter for the remembrance. Steingar, I've never had to worry about getting fat before. With no effort on my part, I had maintained 168+/-3 since the early 70s. Spike, it didn't take Max long to know you give good tummy rubs.
  14. The Old Man

    Our Maggie Girl....

    So Sorry, Gary. I remember having to write it down when my Bear died. It helps. (I couldn't finish my eulogy for the little girl, but she did give us 17 years of love and laughter.)
  15. The Old Man

    Help--Mom's Convinced She Has Parkinsons

    Ben, Sorry to hear this, but it happens. Does she exhibit any other signs of diminishing mental accuity? My mother actually thought herself to death, beleiving the break your hip, you die. Get a good handle on her nutrition. I have known several elderly (mom included) who lived alone and let...
  16. The Old Man

    Update 4 19

    Well, now we know. Consecutive chemos knock me on my scrawny little butt. I have just survived one of the two worst weeks of my life. After the chemo last Thursday, I felt pretty good until sometime Sunday when I realized that weakness was slowly creeping over me. The trend continued and by...
  17. The Old Man

    Update 4-12

    Yeah, Spike, an old and getting very tired one. I'm still waiting for you to tell our slow flight saga so I can post that picture.
  18. The Old Man

    Update 4-12

    Ben, Yes, we live in Plano. Glad to meet you. When you have a time frame, I'll PM ypu addy and Phone number.
  19. The Old Man

    Update 4-12

    One good thing about this, the loving Redhead is wracking her memory for very thing I have mentioned over the last 26 years for those things that haven't been part of our regular diet. Last night I nearly made myself sick eating butterscotch pudding. MMMMMMM good. She also found a recipe last...
  20. The Old Man

    Update 4-12

    Thanks for the suggestion, Geoff. However, chocolate seems to be very irritating to the damaged esophagus. Sob, sob, I've had to give up on the Blue Bell Dutch chocolate milk shakes. Sob, Sob. just too painful.