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  1. wayneda40

    Renting out my home flight simulator.

    I believe you're correct... in order for a Student Pilot to log time, there needs to be a CFI by his/her side. On the other hand, I believe that an Instrument Rated and certificated pilot can fly and log approaches/holds for currency on an FAA-approved simulator (AATD or BATD) without being...
  2. wayneda40

    Alaska - Bering Strait - Little Diomede

    I haven't seen any airspeed restrictions, although all my flights within/through the ADIZ have been below 140 KIAS.
  3. wayneda40

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    As @luvflyin asks, what filed altitude is important... the MEA over DEWAY is 9500, meaning you'd have to file 11000'.
  4. wayneda40

    To be or not to be ... commercial availability of G100UL

    Interesting... I've watched several hours of video webinars with George Braly as the lead presenter... and always came away with the impression of him as an honest, well-informed, experienced-in-engines kind of guy. Clearly YMMV Wayne
  5. wayneda40

    Best way to prepare for a flight to a new area.

    All the things mentioned above. Last month with a couple of buddies, we flew a ~5000 nm trip all around Mexico, largely to places none of us had flown before. I e-flew on X-Plane 12 (on my <US$1000 home simulator) EVERY one of those miles (using "warp speed" for cruise) including approaches...
  6. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 8) - Recap & return Stateside

    Wow, we’re on the final stretch of this wonderful flying adventure! Flying day 7 has us departing Puerto Vallarta, with a tech stop in Los Mochis, and then to Puerto Peñasco… followed by our final flying day bringing us home to California. I realize that some viewers are eager for metrics and...
  7. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 7) - to Puerto Vallarta & San Pancho

    After a scrumptious time in Oaxaca, we’re off today through the mountains and along the Pacific Coast to Puerto Vallarta and the charming surfing village of San Pancho. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot
  8. wayneda40

    Unleaded Fuel update: GAMI Says It Has 1 million Gallons of “Conforming” G100UL
  9. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 6) - to Oaxaca

    We’re entering the second half of this glorious adventure flying all around Mexico. After 3 nights at the freshwater Laguna Bacalar, today we’re departing Chetumal and heading for the mountains of Oaxaca. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot
  10. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 5) - to Chetumal and Bacalar

    We’re nearing the midway point in this great adventure flying all around Mexico. Bill, Joe and I enjoyed two nights each in Mérida and Sisal, and today we have a short hop to Chetumal and Laguna Bacalar. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot
  11. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 4) - to Mérida & Sisal

    John, of course. 775-856-9539 Some background that might also help: -- the Checklist that I use for my trips outside the USA -- a recent video covering changes in Mexico as of Jan2024:
  12. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 4) - to Mérida & Sisal

    We’re making good progress on our circumnavigation, and today we’re caravaning with pilot friend Alberto… from Veracruz to Mérida, and thereafter by ground to Sisal for some beach time. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot
  13. wayneda40

    What are the advantages of X-plane 12?

    I can only speak to single-engine piston aircraft (e.g. C172)... from my experience over hundreds of flight hours, XP12 is significantly better (performance, weather, flight model) than XP11. Wayne
  14. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 3) - to Veracruz

    Bill, Joe and I are well underway on our flying adventure all around Mexico. And today will be one of our more adventuresome flying days… as we cross the Sierra Madre, refuel in Monterrey, and head down the Gulf of Mexico to Veracruz. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot
  15. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 2) - to El Fuerte

    Point that 'ol arrow southward... and enjoy! Thanks for watching, Wayne
  16. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 2) - to El Fuerte

    Hi, John, I passed on your "hi" to Joe... somewhere along this trip we were all exclaiming about our (at one time) hitch hiking prowess. Cool! Thanks for watching, Wayne
  17. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 2) - to El Fuerte

    Today, best buds Bill, Joe, and I are off on our 6th Flying Adventure, this time flying around Mexico. As detailed in Part 1 of this series, we plan to be 17 days in-country, with 8 flying days. This morning at the break of dawn we’re off to clear customs in Puerto Peñasco, on to Obregón for a...
  18. wayneda40

    GPT - 15 Months Later

    I was putting together a little video and asked Google Gemini (successor to Bard): "please create a cartoon image of 3 old men flying a small aircraft around Mexico" The conversation wasn't perfect, but it was fun!
  19. wayneda40

    California FBOs Told To Stop Selling 100LL, Switch To G100UL

    Got my G100UL STC some months ago... and my cylinders are eager to get the lead out. Wayne
  20. wayneda40

    Flying Around Mexico 2024 (Part 1) - Planning

    Looking for our next flying adventure, Bill, Joe, and I plan a trip all around Mexico. In this first episode of the series, we overview our selection of locations and outline our flight planning. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot