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  1. ahmad

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Catch me flying persons or property from place to place for hire or compensation. Commercial checkride is out of the way.
  2. ahmad

    IFR time

    I'm noticing a lot of job descriptions on the web mention about IFR time hours. My logbook does not have a column for IFR hrs. I have been tracking instrument times and number of approaches. I am confused on what constitute IFR time(flying under IFR flight plan?)and how do people track this.
  3. ahmad

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    So, I had my commercial checkride scheduled today. The weather forecast was not good for today, but the CFI and DPE wanted to try today anyway or at least get the oral out of the way. Well, I wasn't fond of the idea but went with it. As expected, the practical has to wait for another day, and...
  4. ahmad

    Cesna 172 down northern MN. Two survive

    Just saw the news on this. Not much details available. shows it as an IFR flight. His track looks somewhat wobbly to me so not sure if he was tired that late or his instrument flying was lacking. Will be interested to know what ntsb finds out.
  5. ahmad

    Daily Pic

    We had unusual company the other day. It got very windy while the were landing.
  6. ahmad

    C150 or C152

    No the AD is complied with. But they did a **** poor job of assessing things during the annual. No issues on the left side but on that flight I found the right side not locking properly. It should have absolutely been discovered during the annual. Its all fixed now for sure.
  7. ahmad

    C150 or C152

    So the annual inspection ended up being $5500. I lost my temper with the FBO and just about got fired by them because as he put it "nobody wants to work on something when he's called a liar, a cheat, and dishonest ". Ended up having a talk and agreed to move on. What is done us done. The prop...
  8. ahmad

    Generator failure

    Flying with a buddy of mine in his C182 last night. 4 miles out before we enter the downwind poof everything goes black. Pitch black inside the cockpit. He is freaking out a bit. Ok just fly the damn plane. There is a reason why we practice no flap landings and do all those things before we...
  9. ahmad

    Headset Evaluation

    Ha. That's the only friend I have. I am here to make friends. I probably should have more than 1.
  10. ahmad

    Headset Evaluation

    Ouch! That's what he said he bought it for.
  11. ahmad

    Headset Evaluation

    Get the best you can afford. I dont mind spending money on my wife and kids but when it comes to myself I am cheap and stingy. I have this rich friend who always has to buy the latest and newest gadget. He has the A20 bose headset that he bought in 2023. I said I'll wait till he gets tired...
  12. ahmad

    Enough jobs for the student pilot population?

    Its been awfully turbulent around here lately. Especially in the C150. lol
  13. ahmad

    Enough jobs for the student pilot population?

    This 48 year old is one of those guys chasing the 1500 hrs and running away from the healthcare sector. lol I am hopeful I make it because I freaking love flying. Like I want to fly every day and all the time. Just hit 666 hours and averaging about 15 hrs/week which I need to bump up but my...
  14. ahmad

    Daily Pic

    I was doing steep spirals while this guy was landing. So cool.
  15. ahmad

    First time solo in IMC

    But was it harder and more work than getting my 3rd class?
  16. ahmad

    First time solo in IMC

    For clarity I don't have A/P. I flew the old beat up 172 during training. now I fly an old beat up c150. lol neither has AP. I have racked up a bunch imc time solo. I can hand fly it fine in imc but it gets tiresome after 15 mins. a month after getting my ticket I was flying ifr back home from...
  17. ahmad

    Daily Pic

    A beautiful evening at KCMI saw this weird thing in Placencia, Belize
  18. ahmad

    First time solo in IMC

    Thats awesome. Congrats! Does your plane have A/P. I like flying in and out of IMC but have found I dont enjoy being IMC past 10 mins without the A/P.
  19. ahmad

    Airline hiring

    hahahah. Thats hilarious. Well, I am better than anyone out there because I have been putting tons of IFR and IMC hours in my little C150 without the A/P. I am not just a button pusher. I can fly. :p