Search results

  1. Ryan F.

    Commercial Helicopter Pilot with (Private Privileges) ASEL and Instrument wanting to Add-on Comm MEL

    If I understand correctly, you hold a commercial pilot certificate with rotorcraft helicopter rating. You have private pilot privileges in airplanes with a single-engine land rating. You are therefore looking to add the airplane category (with multiengine land rating) to your commercial pilot...
  2. Ryan F.

    What are Currently the Best EFB’s for IPad?

    I've spent a little time playing with some of the lesser-known EFBs just in case an applicant brings it with them on a practical test. I would have to agree, the featureset for these other products is so limited that they're difficult to use for IFR ops. VFR is its own animal, maybe these...
  3. Ryan F.

    GPS Direct to fix, homing vs track

    This is possibly among the least ambiguous regulations and ATC phraseology we have in aviation. There should be absolutely no confusion on this matter.
  4. Ryan F.

    DPE availability in unacceptable

    It has not been an option to attend initial training prior to selection for a number of years now. Registration for DPE Initial is restricted to selected candidates only. The formal process now looks like this: 1) Build an application package. 2) Meet/interview with FSDO (if they are...
  5. Ryan F.

    With the new ACS rules, is GPS alone sufficient for IR?

    Well said. I really haven't moved from my initial perspective stated on this thread. I said it before, and I'll say it again - the challenges have simply shifted over time. It's quite a bit more involved than pressing a button and watching the box go to work, and the consequences of getting it...
  6. Ryan F.

    What are Currently the Best EFB’s for IPad?

    Foreflight has been and is the best, hands-down. They have such a large lead at this point that I doubt any competitor is ever going to knock them from their throne. Garmin Pilot is in second place - some great features for those of us who use Database Concierge, and the iPad version is a very...
  7. Ryan F.

    With the new ACS rules, is GPS alone sufficient for IR?

    Don't think anyone is arguing that the manual work, cross-checks, and division of attention required to successfully fly an NDB approach is "harder." Or that we should omit real-world training using ground-based navaids, when they are available. My point is merely that it's industry's...
  8. Ryan F.

    With the new ACS rules, is GPS alone sufficient for IR?

    I do not disagree that there is/was value in thoroughly immersing modern learners in NDB/VOR navigation techniques, equipment, etc. However, as they have throughout aviation's short technological arc, the challenges have simply shifted. The equipment has become more advanced. The errors have...
  9. Ryan F.

    GPS Direct to fix, homing vs track

    I don't find this discussion pedantic at all. There's really no more accurate or applicable answer than to say, "real world, attempt to fly your clearance as precisely as possible, all the time, and if you find yourself off-course, point it out to the controller and work out a solution." The...
  10. Ryan F.

    Commercial Confusion

    No. I'm not saying that. I'd suggest spending some time with your instructor - and perhaps ask a senior instructor to join him. Take 14 CFR 61.129 line by line and read it for exactly what it says - nothing more. I'm not sure why this simple aeronautical experience matter is so confusing...
  11. Ryan F.

    GPS Direct to fix, homing vs track

    This seems to be a simple problem with a simple solution. Direct = direct. Fly directly to your destination. Use the required WCA to maintain your course. If the winds are pushing you off-course, make a bigger correction and fly the plane. Don't let the plane fly you. That's it. If for...
  12. Ryan F.

    Commercial Confusion

    Out of 500+ practical tests I've conducted, I'm guessing... perhaps 100 have been commercial? One time, had an applicant with instrument rating, but mis-logged the 10 hours of instrument training. Once. Had one applicant who did not understand the definition of the word "solo" for his long...
  13. Ryan F.

    DPE PPL price

    I conduct practical tests because a) I enjoy it, b) my observations drive my safety presentation emphases, and c) it lets me conduct flight school outreach as a natural byproduct of my function. I became a DPE because I care about aviation safety. I remain a DPE because I care about aviation...
  14. Ryan F.

    Approach plates in Garmin 660

    I have an Aera 660 hardwared in landscape orientation in my center stack - it talks to my GTN650/GTX345. I kept FliteCharts for one year to try them out. When I recently renewed, I did not select them again. The screen is too small to be very useful for charts. I experimented with zooming...
  15. Ryan F.

    KLGB ILS Canceled for B737

    Kenny - nothing unusual happened here. You're simply becoming exposed to common operations via practical experience, so now you have a little more knowledge in the bag for next time. This is a normal event which happens all over the NAS. Nine times out of ten, a canceled landing clearance in...
  16. Ryan F.

    cfi renewal

    The latter of your two suggestive thoughts is accurate. Two separate practical tests with no crossover. Other than possibly accomplishing them on the same day, one won't have anything to do with the other; must close out in IACRA for each one, individually.
  17. Ryan F.

    Checkrides cost how much? Really?

    I find the cash discussion understandable, but a bit amusing. I'm sure it must be entertaining to conjure up these involved scenarios for why DPEs tend to standardize on cash payments, but it's really quite simple - cash doesn't carry any credit card fees, cash doesn't bounce, cash is quick...
  18. Ryan F.

    New To The Forum

    Maybe tops: when I had the Eagle who co-wrote "Hotel California" as my copilot.
  19. Ryan F.

    Hawker 900XP on departure from Grand Junction, CO

    Been over a decade now since I've flown a Hawker, but I've flown all of the HS-125 models, from the 1A to the 900XP. I've done a few of these stall tests. They're usually done when the leading edge TKS panels require adjustment, repair or replacement. The manufacturer specifies specific...
  20. Ryan F.

    Pivotal altitude. Why it matters...

    Russ, I don't have any interest (or ability) to get into the history of the task, or why/how it was developed. I can only say that from my little corner of the airman certification world, the task has its place and it holds plenty enough value to warrant its inclusion in the ACS. Though it...