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    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    Ha! I grew up UU, we had many “recovering <insert religion here>”.
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    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    Again, read my response. I acknowledge the difference and the difference in extent that AA promotes religion vs spirituality.
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    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    AA has implicit religious connotations based on the big book and its history and explicit spiritual connotations with respect to a higher power. Some atheists and agnostics are willing to overlook the spiritual connotations to the extent that the meetings they attend promote or recast them into...
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    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    My partner goes to 3 meetings a week and spends significant time as part of the leadership and area representative. While I’m obviously supportive, I’d be lying if it isn’t sometimes a strain on our relationship. He puts a ton of effort into those activities and relationships, including with his...
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    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    Not all AA groups bring much of the religiosity to the table. My partner is an ex-Catholic atheist who was a part of both SMART and AA at the beginning of his sobriety journey. He sought out SMART specifically because of its lack of any religious connotations. Ultimately he found several (and...
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    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Flip the X-Y axes (learning on X and effort on Y) and keep the curve shape the same and it makes sense. :)
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    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Don’t think yuppies would fare any worse or better than anyone else. We have over a century of history of a single model on how to control a car. The steering wheel and pedals is so ingrained in our culture, little kids have toys based on it. Changing that up unnecessarily seems like a recipe...
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    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    Don’t rule out the possibility it was an “accident” either…
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    BasicMed expansion?

    If no one knows how many there are, how can we possibly do a meaningful statistical analysis?
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    BasicMed expansion?

    On this one point, that’s not exactly true. While it is true that for a pilot who last got a class 3 in 2006, obtaining that medical likely has almost no bearing on their current medical condition, any new pilot still has to get a class 3 before using basic med. If all pilots on basic med had...
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    BasicMed expansion?

    The class 3 requirement prior to basic med definitely muddies the data analysis for comparative performance of class 3 and basic med. There are likely ways to control for that (although we may not have enough data for statistical significance after those controls are done) but most basic...
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    KBNG Banning Airport authorized to close by FAA

    Stopping commercial air carrier service is a pretty far blush from closing an airport with 16 GA aircraft based at it that has seen a 70% reduction in operations in a decade and a half. I don't love airports closing either, I just find it a bit amusing that the supposed "free market and limited...
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    KBNG Banning Airport authorized to close by FAA

    Current interest is from film studio, warehouses, and some manufacturing according to the article.
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    KBNG Banning Airport authorized to close by FAA

    How do you see a small, local airport with no IAPs becoming the economic engine of a small city with a median household income of some $40k?
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    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Wow just when you thought it couldn’t look worse…:frown:
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    New iPad Nano Textured Glass in Cockpit?

    I’m curious how that texture will hold up. On the XDR they warn against even using the wrong microfiber cloth on it and now it’s on a screen that gets thrown around, touched with all manner of things from fingernails to the apple pencil
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    N/A calling Calculator Nerds - what's the best graphing calculator these days?

    Haven’t touched a graphing calculator since high school. Everything is part of a larger calculation in Matlab/python/pick your language of choice here. Google for incredibly basic math and jupyter notebooks for everything else in my current gig, matlab in grad school and other jobs
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    Apple blows chunks

    Good for you.
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    Apple blows chunks

    Password rules as implemented generally are not sufficient to avoid good dictionary attacks, but having long, random passwords as provided by password managers absolutely does reduce risk. Forcing humans to come up with passwords on their own with no system encourages 2 things: 1) short, native...
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    Apple blows chunks

    I literally said using a TOTP, not SMS, in the paragraph you quoted. How does using a TOTP a la Google Authenticator (pick your favorite app) require giving out a mobile number? It doesn’t.