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  1. luvflyin

    Flying by the numbers ?

    This reminds me of when I returned to flying after about 25 years off. I flew with 3 different instructors at three different airports during about 5 hours of getting a Flight Review completed. I was not dissatisfied with first one who I finished with. I was having trouble with managing the...
  2. luvflyin

    We flew an L39 Jet but in the style of a Cessna 172

    LMAO. Yeah, an opportunity like that could get ya a sportin’ wood. Interesting thing about the Russian atitude indicators reading backwards. There used to be one made like that in the US a long time ago. Supposedly the one in the plane that was ‘the day the music died’...
  3. luvflyin

    AOPA Rusty Pilots course

    Yeah, yeah, 3000 is ok because it’s below 3000 AGL. Have you written them and called them out on this flagrant error of theirs.
  4. luvflyin

    Vision jet goes for a swim

    Seems I remember another one like that. I think it was a Hawker.
  5. luvflyin

    Student Pilot radio comms and Class C -- step-by-step in chronological order

    At all? Was Ground combined with Tower when you taxied?
  6. luvflyin

    Opt Out of My Legal Rights?

    I may have read it. Not this one in particular, but a similar one. Awhile back, I’ll say ‘bout 10 years ago they started appearing. Peel the layers away and it’s about Class Action Lawsuits. Banks were getting tired of them. Enough Legislators agreed and the Law was passed.
  7. luvflyin

    Who is This

    I done that. And made it small and looked which helps in seeing it as ‘someone’ instead of ‘something.’ It reminds me of a record album from years ago but I just can’t place it
  8. luvflyin

    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    That plane? Or 152’s in general?
  9. luvflyin

    Who is This

  10. luvflyin

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    What do you and your partner do for a living? Is your employer worried about some kind of legal jeopardy? Or is it about some moral issue?
  11. luvflyin

    Resume Own Nav...

    Yes. The Acronym for Controllers is FRAHE. Fix, Route, Altitude, Holding, Expect. Now if we could just get a big majority of Controllers to do it..........
  12. luvflyin

    Resume Own Nav...

    Yup. You can’t just throw the route beyond the Clearance Limit away. You need to remember what it was because when they clear you beyond the Clearance Limit you are very likely going to get….. b. Include the following items when issuing clearance beyond a clearance limit: 1. Clearance limit...
  13. luvflyin

    Simple departure, ugly result!

    For awhile she was tracking North Northwest bound. Maybe had the WLSTIN SEVEN DEPARTURE and didn’t get it loaded properly. And then got all crossed up trying to get the GEP R-072 loaded. Looked like she was headin’ straight at GEP for awhile. 7000 is the TOP ALTITUDE.
  14. luvflyin

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    I told the kids I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. So they unplugged my computer and threw out my wine.
  15. luvflyin

    Simple departure, ugly result!

    Th She’d a probably called the wrong number
  16. luvflyin

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    It was a joke
  17. luvflyin

    For Sale GNS430W, 14/28V with tray and 2 data cards - SOLD

    Gimme 20 bucks and I’ll take it off your hands so you don’t have to deal with scraping it legally
  18. luvflyin

    Funny/Sad Mooney Tiktok

    Anybody get the N#? I can’t see that fast.
  19. luvflyin

    Vision jet goes for a swim

    What’s the other one?
  20. luvflyin

    Vision jet goes for a swim

    If it stayed locked and the right brake wasn’t working I guess so. What the pilot said to Ground was he lost braking.