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  1. CJones

    Osh 2024 NOTAM is out

    Interesting. So instead of saying "Do loops around Lake _____ to hold", they say "Go back to point XYZ and come back in and try again", which essentially makes the whole approach route a combination arrival/hold route.
  2. CJones

    Ugh. Had to book airlines...again.

    On the bright side, I can carry whatever size pocket knife I want for this trip!
  3. CJones

    Ugh. Had to book airlines...again.

    That's what got me this time - less flexibility than normal. A "gotta get there" time on Friday combined with a "can't leave too early on Thursday" forced me into a window that I didn't like.
  4. CJones

    Ugh. Had to book airlines...again.

    We've had experience doing the "wait out a passing line of storms at a sleepy FBO in the middle of nowhere", so that's not new to her. But I don't want to think about the steely glare I would be getting if we were sitting in that sleepy FBO at the time that we were *supposed* to be at the party...
  5. CJones

    Ugh. Had to book airlines...again.

    Yep. GA to IA. What hosed me on this trip was that we NEEDED to be there by a certain time on Friday (for the graduation party). Usually we have somewhat open-ended arrival/departure times so I can take the long way around or sit a line out somewhere, but the schedule demands were too tight and...
  6. CJones

    Ugh. Had to book airlines...again.

    It's usually around $120/ticket. So in this case, if I had bought them last week when I was looking at ~$500/ticket + $120 refundable upcharge, I would have still been better off than what I paid last night. DOH!
  7. CJones

    Ugh. Had to book airlines...again.

    Wellp, yet another attempt at using GA for XC travel just bit the dust. Was hoping to fly the family to Iowa this weekend for a nephew's graduation party, but the WX is just too darn iffy - or maybe I'm just getting wussier in my old(er) age. It has literally been years since we used GA for...
  8. CJones

    I Hate Enterprise

    My high school girlfriend's mom was from Enterprise. And that's all I got to say about that.
  9. CJones

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    Saw one in the wild at a restaurant in Cali a few weeks ago. I was very underwhelmed. I was underwhelmed. Seemed like it took up the space of a full-sized truck, but I don't see how there is ANY kind of room inside (especially for someone like me that needs decent leg and headroom). Sent the pic...
  10. CJones

    I Hate Enterprise

    Pre-covid, I used it as a good way to try out different styles and models of vehicles. Post-covid, it seems that the fleets are mostly made up of small cross-overs and minivans and very few SUVs or 'niceish' sedans.
  11. CJones

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I like that. I need to find something smaller for EDC. Currently lugging around a Gerber Custom Sedulo - had to do 'custom' to get it US made. It's nice, but a bit bulky (and pricey).
  12. CJones

    6Y9 2024 Fly in/camp out

    So THAT'S what you were doing on the way back from Hoppy's that night - you weren't taking us into the woods to kill us, you were just shopping for real estate, right? RIGHT!?
  13. CJones

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I have carried a knife for as long as I can remember. Grew up on a farm and later worked in retail and private ag, so it's just ingrained in me I guess. And yes - I also have the leather belt-loop pouch for carrying the pair of mini-vice grips that my dad used when he was farming. I still feel...
  14. CJones

    I Hate Enterprise

    The vast majority of the time, I use National for work, except for a few years ago when I was driving from home to a site and it was easier to just use the neighborhood Enterprise office for pickup. The biggest pain I had there was that they VERY rarely threw an upgrade my way, despite...
  15. CJones

    DIY Electronic Nerd Project Ideas for Aviation

    Several years ago when I was tinkering with RPi's, I thought auto-aiming/leveling landing lights would be cool. Never got around to actually chasing it down though. Was watching a Mark Rober YT video the other day with my two boys and he was introducing his new 'HackBox' - a microcontroller...
  16. CJones

    Thinking about a Bus/RV

    I think (based solely on what my 12 y/o has told me) is that it's currently 1k subscribers and 4k watch hours in the previous 365 days. He hit the subscribers target on Sunday I believe and he was thinking he would have the watch hours target overnight last night. I didn't talk to him before he...
  17. CJones

    Thinking about a Bus/RV

    If you figure it out, let me know. Our oldest has been making YT videos for a couple of years. He's learned a lot about video capture and editing, etc., so we've let him run with it. He recently created a new channel dedicated solely to Fortnite videos (gotta give the people what they want!)...
  18. CJones

    The death of an insitution

    IIRC, there were girls that wanted to do the more outdoorsy stuff that the BSA was doing and asked to join. To me, it seemed like a failure on GSA to not meet the needs of the girls they were there to mentor, but for whatever reason it turned into a 'exclusionary' issue for BSA rather than...
  19. CJones

    The death of an insitution

    I'll go ahead and poke that bear, since you opened the gate. I think travel sports will eventually be the downfall of youth sports as well. I've been coaching my boys' baseball teams for the past 6 years (two seasons per year for the past 4 years (begrudgingly)) and basketball teams for the past...
  20. CJones

    Apple blows chunks

    Had a new company iPhone (6s, I think?) waiting for me on my desk on the first day of a new job several years ago (2016ish I think). It was my first (and only) iPhone. It was 'meh' at best. I left the job (and phone) after about 6 months and that was the extent of my foray into the Apple...