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  1. Kritchlow

    Next word that comes to mind...

  2. Kritchlow

    Vision jet goes for a swim

    Best one… go to about 3 minutes in…
  3. Kritchlow

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    I do not believe the controller knows about an RA (resolution advisory) until the complying pilot reports the RA… which is required (I.e. “XXX123 TCAS climb”).
  4. Kritchlow

    “Possible Pilot Deviation” explained

    Yeah, I’ve had a couple of RA’s over the years and never received a PPD. In fact, it’s REQUIRED we comply with the RA… even if you have traffic in sight.
  5. Kritchlow

    Do you know of any pilots who have been certified after experiencing psychosis?

    I don’t even know what psychosis is, exactly ??
  6. Kritchlow

    Flying with retired pilots

    Some of us old farts (well I’m not retired yet), medical aside, have more time with the reversers deployed than the total time of most pilots. You may learn something from the old guys…
  7. Kritchlow

    Ticket Punched - Commercial Multi Complete!

    The ATP is basically an IR ride in a twin with tighter standards.
  8. Kritchlow

    With the new ACS rules, is GPS alone sufficient for IR?

    Sure… you must train & check by today’s standards. But my whole point is that it just be a bit easier today with the tecnology.
  9. Kritchlow

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    And if you do this, as an additional bonus, you will be able to get a more true to life fuel burn. Filing direct, then getting a roundabout routing, can gum that up a bit.
  10. Kritchlow

    With the new ACS rules, is GPS alone sufficient for IR?

    Not so much like your parent / kid music scenario, I find it more like we no longer need engineers & navigators in our airplanes. Things have indeed become more automated and thoughtless. I don’t care how you spin it, doing a true NDB approach with the beacon off the field, in a crosswind, was...
  11. Kritchlow

    I just got screwed..

    It does suck, but…. Furloughs, base closures, going under.. All part of an aviation career.
  12. Kritchlow

    Empty cargo planes roam the skies

    They are purely flying for chem-trail purposes.
  13. Kritchlow

    DPE PPL price

    Looking back on my instructor days I probably did a few students a disservice. I may have been way too demanding for perfection. That said, I never had a student fail. I did have a couple opt for a different instructor. #happy those days are well behind me
  14. Kritchlow

    Base leg altitude

    You all seem to be talking about a closed pattern (more or less) in small airplanes, at uncontrolled airports. Putting anyone of those parameters aside, “downwind” can become much different.
  15. Kritchlow

    DPE PPL price

    So that implies it is NOT instructors just building hours for airlines.
  16. Kritchlow

    Challenger Jet down in Truckee CA 7/26/21

    If proper CRM, and SOP’s were in place, the entire cockpit communications, and hopefully actions, would have been different. The PM would NEVER have extended the brakes, and certainly not without announcing it. I don’t expect most here to understand how SOP’s work. Heck, in the charter...
  17. Kritchlow

    Challenger Jet down in Truckee CA 7/26/21

    This accident is an example of needing to establish, and adhere to strict SOP’s. Generally speaking charter outfits lack that in the first place, and bringing in a contract pilot makes it near impossible. This is a prime example. There can only be one captain, but he must be the captain. In...
  18. Kritchlow

    Challenger Jet down in Truckee CA 7/26/21

    Which is a VMC circle