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  1. W

    Can a Sport Pilot get a Glider cert and then a Commercial Glider cert without medicals?

    61.31 (j) Additional training required for operating a glider. (1) No person may act as pilot in command of a glider— (iii) Using self-launch procedures, unless that person has satisfactorily accomplished ground and flight training on self-launch procedures and operations, and has received an...
  2. W

    how much detail to put down in medxpress?

    I would recommend writing down what the diagnosis was, that’s what the AME is going to want to know.
  3. W

    Accidentally answered no to 18w on FAA medical… what now?

    He said that he was charged under a city ordinance, not a Federal or State statute.
  4. W

    Aircraft purchase advice for foreigner

    It looks like it would depend on if the OP is a legal permanent resident of the U.S. or not. §44102. Registration requirements (a) Eligibility.-An aircraft may be registered under section 44103 of this title only when the aircraft is- (1) not registered under the laws of a foreign country and...
  5. W

    Does the signoff BASIC-MED physician have the authority to determine what medications are LEGAL to fly under?

    In this case “you” only applies to pilots that spend hours scrolling thru the FAA website to find “regulations” that the FAA made up and only published on the website.
  6. W

    Leasing time in aircraft to a non-pilot

    My understanding is that if Mr. B says the pilot used has to come off that list then it would be illegal. However if Mr. B states that the pilots on the list have already met the insurance requirements but the lessee is welcome to use a different pilot as long as they meet the insurance...
  7. W

    Tall Vikings

    This is what I was taught when learning to navigate ships in the Navy. Someone must have gotten “offended” because the Navy changed it to Timely Vessels Make Distance Count at war.
  8. W

    Wing walking thrill rides shut down, pilot/operator loses license

    Yeah, they had been doing it for 12 years apparently without hurting anyone. He obviously hadn’t put any thought into what he needed to do to reduce the risks involved.
  9. W

    PSI testing question - ID

    They also offer an exemption if the vehicle is in a location where testing isn’t available.
  10. W

    PSI testing question - ID

    If the your picture ID doesn’t include an address (like a passport) then there are several other ways to prove your address including a utility bill. The FAA testing matrix ( explains exactly what is acceptable. The attached picture is...
  11. W

    Is it legal for a PPL flying in IMC on a IFR flight plan with someone IFR rated?

    Did you read the Walker interpretation that is linked in post #12? The FAA legal department doesn’t agree with you.
  12. W

    Is it legal for a PPL flying in IMC on a IFR flight plan with someone IFR rated?

    I guess it depends on what you define as adequate vision. Is it possible to have adequate vision if you are in IMC? (c) No person may operate a civil aircraft in simulated instrument flight unless— (2) The safety pilot has adequate vision forward and to each side of the aircraft, or a competent...
  13. W

    Commercial pilot for hire question

    I have had several students that had a scholarship to pay for them to get their private pilots license. I used my GI Bill to pay for my flight training. It is common for owners of planes that require a type rating to pay for their pilots to go thru initial and recurrent flight training on the...
  14. W

    Interesting new Wings Course

    The schedule may not show it properly but as long as the CFi holds a second or first class medical why would this be a problem? Even if there isn’t any instruction going on it is perfectly legal for the owner of a plane to hire a commercial pilot to fly his plane for him.
  15. W

    Commercial Long Cross-Country C150
  16. W

    In 1956 you could get a balloon rating just by asking for it?

    And here is a link to the amendment that created the loophole in 1952.
  17. W

    In 1956 you could get a balloon rating just by asking for it?

    Here’s a link to the NPRM that closed the loophole. Apparently at that time hot air balloons didn’t use onboard heaters to maintain the air temperature in the balloon.The air was...
  18. W

    NA why do people bag leaves and throw them away?

    A really thoughtful neighbor rakes and bags his leaves and your leaves…..;)
  19. W

    Logging “As Flight Instructor” Time

    91.109 (c) No person may operate a civil aircraft in simulated instrument flight unless— (1) The other control seat is occupied by a safety pilot … The letter of the law appears pretty clear to me.
  20. W

    Hover Training

    Have you requested a SVFR clearance? My understanding is that you have to specifically ask for it before they can approve it. Have you visited the tower to talk to the controllers and see why they won’t approve it?